
The researchers in this consortium are specialists in the fields of forestry, soil ecology, limnology and ecosystem modelling.
Marjo Palviainen

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki

Marjo Palviainen's contact and research profile in the University of Helsinki People Finder.

Elina Peltomaa

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki

Elina Peltomaa is an aquatic scientist specialized on the effects of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) load on primary producers in lake ecosystems. Elina Peltomaa's contact and research profile in the University of Helsinki People Finder. She is also found on the pages of the Algological Research Group.

Jukka Pumpanen

Professor, University of Eastern Finland

Profersson in Microbial Biogeochemistry

The research work of Jukka Pumpanen is focusing on greenhouse gas balances of forest soils and soil microbiology as a driver of respiration and soil organic matter decomposition and the greenhouse gas fluxes between soil and the atmosphere. His recent work has been focusing on the long-term effects of disturbances on carbon balances of forest ecosystems. He is also studying the lateral flows of carbon and nutrients between terrestrial and aquatic systems.

Frank Berninger

Professor, University of Eastern Finland

Professor in Plant Ecology

Frank Berninger is a versatile plant ecologist with a love for fieldwork and mathematical methods. His current interest is on the long term effects of disturbances on forests and the interactions of plants, roots and inland waters as well as on large scale variations ecological processes (using big data). In addition, he has an interest in biochar as a tool to improve the environment.

Annamari (Ari) Lauren

Associate professor, University of Eastern Finland

Annamari Lauren is expert in process-based forest ecosystem modelling.

Research interests:

  1. Hydrology, biogeochemistry and forest production on forested peatlands,
  2. Modelling of nutrient fluxes in catchment scale
  3. Environmental effects of forestry and new methods for water protection
  4. Biochar in water purification
Helena Jäntti

Post Doctoral Researcher, Water Research Coordinator, University of Eastern Finland

Helena Jäntti is coordinating the water research program and doing research on aquatic biogeochemistry

Taija Saarela

PhD Student, University of Eastern Finland

The objective of Taija Saarela's doctoral thesis is to investigate how catchment area characteristics affect the water quality and greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ecosystems. She aims 1) to study how the quality and microbial degradability of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) vary among catchments with different land cover (e.g. vegetation, soil properties) and land use (i.e. forest management practices), and 2) how these further regulate the production and consumption of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in streams and lakes.

In addition, she is interested in biochar applications to decrease the DOM and nutrient load on aquatic systems.

Hjalmar Laudon

Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Professor at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management

Hjalmar Laudon's profile is found here.



Eliza Maher Hasselquist

Postdoctoral researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Find more about Eliza Maher Hasselquist here and here.

Ivika Ostonen-Märtin

Senior Research Fellow in Landscape Ecology, University of Tartu

Ivika Ostonen-Märtin's profile is found here.

Florence Renou-Wilson

Research Scientist, Lecturer and Director of MSc Programme in Global Change: Ecosystem Science and Policy, University College Dublin

Florence Renou-Wilson's profile is found here.


Catharine Pschenyckyj

Postdoctoral researcher, University College Dublin

Find more about Cat Pschenyckyj here.