
A team of researchers and stakeholders organizes the workshops.
University of Helsinki, Finland

Komp-Leukkunen is associate professor in social policy and head of the research group on population ageing. Her research interests are population ageing, work and retirement, welfare policies, and research methods. Recent publications include “Capturing the diversity of working age life-courses: A European perspective on cohorts born before 1945” (Plos ONE) and “What life-course research can contribute to futures studies” (Futures). She is vice-chair of the Research Network on Quantitative Methods and board member of the journal “Work, Employment and Society”.

Komp-Leukkunen's personal webpage

Visa Rantanen is a PhD student at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences. He is a member of the research group on population ageing. His research interests include retirement planning, retirement expectations and social policy transformation related to population ageing. His doctoral dissertation examines how population ageing shapes how people from different age cohorts plan for retirement. He is a second year PhD student with a background in sociology and he finished his master’s degree at the university of Helsinki in 2019.

Visa Rantanen's personal webpage

Jawaria Khan is a PhD student in Social Policy department. She has background in development and international cooperation. Her main themes of interests include mobilities, brain drain, migration, highly skilled labor market integration and higher education internationalization, and in her doctoral dissertation she is examining the mobility decisions of academics from Finland.  In Finland, she did research internships in FIER/miNET and Eetti, while in Pakistan she worked with USAID. Her total experience with research projects is 3 years.

Jawaria Khan's personal webpage

Petteri Kolmonen is a PhD student in Social Policy. His research interests include digitalization, older workers and research methods. In his doctoral dissertation he is examining computer skills among older workers from a life course perspective using SHARE data.

Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Norway

Per Erik Solem is professor in gerontology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and a researcher at NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University. He has been involved in ageing research since he graduated in psychology in 1970. He has a long teaching and research experience on subjects such as theories of ageing, active ageing, cognitive age changes, ageism and occupational gerontology. In recent years, issues related to work and retirement have been his main research areas.

Per Erik Solem's personal webpage

Katharina Herlofson is a researcher at NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University. She has a PhD in sociology from the University of Oslo. Since 2000, she has participated in several national and international projects within the field of ageing research. Her research interests include intergenerational relationships, demographic changes, active ageing and transitions in later life. During the past years, she has been increasingly involved in studies addressing issues related to older workers and retirement.

Katharina Herlofson's personal webpage

Tale Hellevik is a researcher at NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University. She has a PhD in sociology from the University of Oslo. Her research has centered on topics such as life course transitions and various aspects of the Norwegian welfare state, including a focus on welfare arrangements in a comparative perspective. Currently, she is involved in several projects on working life addressing older workers, the transition to retirement and sick leave.

Tale Hellevik's personal webpage

Linköping University, Sweden

Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Dr. phil., Sociologist and Gerontologist, is Professor in Ageing and Later Life as well as Research Director and Head of Division at the Division Ageing and Social Change, Department of Culture and Society, Linköping University, Sweden. His research targets the interdependencies between societal processes, life courses, human ageing, and old age. Main thematic perspectives are quality of life, diversity, distributions, social inequality and exclusion; life course and individual development as well as social and cultural change. 

Andreas Motel-Kingebiel's personal webpage

Arianna Poli, M.Psy., Psychologist and Gerontologist, is Ph.D. candidate in Ageing and Social Change at the Division Ageing and Social Change, Linköping University, Sweden. Her research lies at the intersection of ageing, (in)equality, inclusion/exclusion, digital technologies. She investigates the impact of digital technologies among older people in different domains, such as healthcare, working life, service provision. She is actively involved in several scientific networks in the field of technology and ageing, such as the Socio-Gerontechnology network and the NET4AGE-Friendly Action.

Arianna Poli's personal webpage

Annika Heuer, M.Sc. in Business Administration, is a research assistant in Ageing and Social Change at the Division for Ageing and Social Change, Department of Culture and Society at Linköping University, Sweden. She supports research activities conducted at the division.

Annika Heuer's personal webpage


Jolanta Perek Bialas is the Director of the Centre for Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies at the Jagiellonian University. She is a Professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University as well as in the Institute of Statistics and Demography of the Warsaw School of Economics. Her scientific specialization is sociology of aging, gerontology, evaluation of public policies including senior policy. Her recent projects are focused on older workers, age management policies, extending working lives and empowering informal carers.

Jolanta Perek Bialas's personal webpage

Zhen Im is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of International Economics, Governments and Business, Copenhagen Business School. His research interests include how labour market changes influence public opinion and voting behaviour through the interface of welfare policies. He completed his PhD at the University of Helsinki which focused on how the threat of workplace automation influences public support for welfare policies and voting behaviour in Western Europe.

Zhen Im's personal webpage

Roger Norum is University Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology and Docent in Geography (Mobility Studies) at the University of Oulu, where he is vice-director of the Biodiverse Anthropocenes research programme. His research focuses on the comparative, theoretical, and praxeological dimensions of media, mobility and the environment, primarily among transient and precarious communities in the Arctic and Asia. He is founding editor of Palgrave’s Arctic Encounters book series and holds degrees from Cornell and Oxford.

Roger Norum's personal webpage

Sergio Tavares is Lead Service Designer at Idean / Capgemini Consulting Group in Finland. Capgemini is a consulting group that currently holds together the biggest design community in the world. Originally from Brazil, Tavares holds an MA (Digital Culture) and a PhD (Contemporary Culture), both from the University of Jyväskylä. His thesis, Paramedia, explored a theory for textual interpretation of digital interfaces.

Sergio Tavares' personal webpage 

Lisa Kortmann is a research assistant at the German Centre of Gerontology (DZA) in Berlin and a PhD student at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Her research deals with the digitalisation of the world of work and potential effects on older employees.

Lisa Kortmann's personal webpage​​​​​​​

Jing Wu is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and she is Program Director of International Master's Program in Strategic Human Resource Management and Labour Relations at the department. Her research lies on well-being of older adults in the context of welfare state from a comparative perspective. Her current research project is focused on tackling ageism in the era of digitalization and productivity and capability of older workers in the private sector.

Jing Wu's personal webpage

Xiao Jinyi holds a M.Sc. in Management and is affiliated to the research group on population ageing at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He studies the effects of downsizing on older employees’ retirement arrangements in the private sector. Moreover, he is a country-specialist for China.