SVT (Swedish, video and text: Världens största kartläggning av livet på jorden
Tirol heute (Austrian, in German, video): Erhebung zur Artenvielfalt
Extrakt (Swedish, text and pictures): Global jakt på nya arter
Our twenty-second newsletter reminds global teams about the final New Year plot switch.
Our twenty-first newsletter announces a webinar on our publication plans, explains what happened with Nextcloud in July, and reminds global teams about the final New Year plot switch.
Our twentieth newsletter has a submission update on the first joint LIFEPLAN publication, and links to all the published Lifeplan sampling protocols.
Our nineteenth newsletter has a progress update on the first joint LIFEPLAN publication.
Our eighteenth newsletter shares some recently published Lifeplan protocols.
Our seventeenth newsletter reminds global teams about the details of the site switch during the New Year.
Our sixteenth newsletter announces an upcoming joint publication, and how teams can make sure they are part of it.
Our fifteenth newsletter reminds everyone about an important part of the soil sampling protocol.
Our fourteenth newsletter has new information about Malaise traps.
Our twelfth newsletter announces our next webinar in May.
Our eleventh newsletter announces a change to the soil sampling protocol and a new publication.
Our tenth newsletter announces a major website update.
Our ninth newsletter on our annual meeting in Finland and what next steps we talked about.
Our eighth newsletter came with some good news and bad news.
Our seventh newsletter announces a revised soil sampling protocol.
Our sixth Newsletter comes as we finish the first sampling year.
Our fourth Newsletter describes the startup phase starting to gradually turn into the running phase, including our in-house sampling in Sweden and Madagascar.
Our third newsletter lists several updates to the sampling regime.
Our second newsletter describes the continuing ramp-up phase and updates to the sampling protocol
LIFEPLAN, the project led by Professor Otso Ovaskainen, is the second recipient in Finland of the highly competitive Synergy funding from the European Research Council ERC. The purpose of this six-year, 12.6 million euro project is to map global biodiversity with scientific tools. At the same time the researchers will be working to understand the effects of climate change and land use on biodiversity.