git clone
cd clustrace
Install binaries with Conda
conda create -n clustrace -c bioconda iqtree mafft jvarkit-msa2vcf pangolin seqkit snpeff treecluster trimal veryfasttree
conda activate clustrace
Or install from yaml file
conda env create -f clustrace.env.yml
conda activate clustrace
Install Perl Modules
Install perl modules to ~/perl5 (or choose another directory according to your settings):
cpanm --local-lib=~/perl5 Clone Excel::Writer::XLSX File::Temp Getopt::Long Sort::Naturally Struct::Dumb Time::Piece
# install BioPerl
cpanm -i -f --notest --local-lib=~/perl5 Bio::TreeIO
#add this line to your ~/.bashrc file
export PERL5LIB=~/perl5/lib/perl5
Complete list of dependencies
Table1: ClusTRace dependencies
For more information please see