Aavik, Kadri. 2021. "Vegan Men: Towards Greater Care for (Non)Human Others, Earth and Self". In: Pulé, Paul; Hultman, Martin (Ed.). Men, Masculinities, and Earth: Contending with the (m)Anthropocene (329−350). Palgrave Macmillan.
Aavik, Kadri and Marta Velgan. 2021. Vegan Men’s Food and Health Practices: A Recipe for a More Health-Conscious Masculinity? American Journal of Men's Health 5(15): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/15579883211044323
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. The rise of veganism in post-socialist Europe: Making sense of emergent vegan practices and identities in Estonia. In: Wright, Laura (Ed.). Through a vegan studies lens: Textual ethics and lived activism (151−170). University of Nevada Press.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Institutional resistance to veganism: Constructing vegan bodies as deviant in medical encounters in Estonia. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 1-18, published July 3, 2019.
Aavik, Kadri. 2018. The animal advocacy movement in the Baltic states: Links to other social justice issues and possibilities for intersectional activism. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1-19.
Kupsala, S. (forthcoming in 2020) Tuotantoeläinten aseman muuttuminen: Suuren yleisön asenteet yhteiskunnallisena voimatekijänä. In Aaltola, E. & Wahlberg, B. (Eds.). Me ja muut eläimet: Uusi maail-manjärjestys. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Kupsala, S. 2020. Sosiologinen tutkimus suomalaisten suhtautumisesta tuotantoeläimiin ja eläinten käyttöön ruokana. Lectio Praecursoria. TRACE ? Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 6(1), 76-85.
Apell, Pirjo, Munck, Lilli & Kupsala, Saara. 2018. Reseptiikan kehitys tuo ilmastokestävät kasvisruoat ammattikeittiöihin. AmmattikeittiöOsaaja 3/2018. p. 16-17.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Veganmeeste vaikne ja võimas protest loomade tapmise ja söömise vastu [Vegan men’s quiet and powerful protest against killing and eating animals]. Eesti Ekspress (largest Estonian weekly newspaper), 7 August, 2019.
Aavik, Kadri. 2018. Institutional resistance to veganism: constructing the vegan body as deviant in medical encounters in Estonia. (Un)common worlds – Human–Animal Studies Conference, 7.–9 August 2018, Turku.
Irni, Kuura. 2018. Staying with the Trouble with Cats: Considering Intersectional Challenges and Queer Potential in Cat-Human Relations. (Un)common worlds – Human–Animal Studies Conference, 7.–9.8.2018, Turku.
Kupsala, Saara. 2018. Ethical meat from family farms? Transparency and proximity in a blog marketing campaign on broiler production. (Un)common worlds – Human–Animal Studies Conference, 7–9 August 2018, Turku.
Workshop “Transformative perspectives on interspecies relations and food practices: feminism, intersectionality and critical animal studies” , November 22–34, Finnish Gender Studies Conference, Turku.
The project organised a public talk by Dr. Richard Twine, titled "Anthropocene, Androcene, or ‘Anthropo’cene? From scientism to intersectionality" in the Christina Research Seminar, University of Helsinki, 15.1.2019.
Irni, Kuura. 2019. Queer visions of families and close relations with nonhuman animals, Keynote lecture, Finnish Seminar for Human-Animal Studies, 8.–9.4.2019, Helsinki.
Joki, Milla-Maria. 2019. The role of naming in rescue cat stories. Finnish Seminar for Human-Animal Studies, 8.–9.4.2019, Helsinki.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Veganism as citizen protest. Estonia's Future Environments. Conference of Estonian Social Sciences XI, 26-27.04.2019, Tartu.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Men's narratives of becoming and living as vegan: veganism as a pathway to alternative (more egalitarian) masculinities? Rethinking revolution: nonhuman animals, antispeciesism, and power. 6th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS), 22-24.05.2019, Barcelona.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Vegan men challenging violence against non-human animals: veganism as a path towards more egalitarian masculinities? Gender Studies Conference on Violence, 24.-26.11.2019, Helsinki.
Komulainen, Riitta. 2019. A critical discourse analysis of Hommaforum and its veg*ans. Gender Studies Conference on Violence, 24.-26.11.2019, Helsinki.
Kupsala, Saara. 2019. Vegan foods in large-scale catering: exploring cultural negotiations on changing practices. Gender Studies Conference on Violence, 24.-26.11.2019, Helsinki.
Workshop "Violence against non-human animals: intersectional perspectives". Gender Studies Conference on Violence, 24.-26.11.2019, Helsinki.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Vegan men: towards more sustainable and egalitarian masculinities? RINGS Conference: Genders and Feminisms in a Polarised World: Sustainability, Futures and Utopias, 2.-3.10.2019, Tallinn.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Veganism as a pathway towards more egalitarian masculinities? Narrative of vegan men in Finland and Estonia. Gothenburg University, GU-CAS network seminar, 7.11.2019, Gothenburg.
The event “Food cultures in transition: veganism, intersectionality and climate sustainability”, November 28, 2018, Think Corner, Helsinki. Speakers: Kadri Aavik, Panda Eriksson, Lilli Munck and Tania Nathan. Chair: Kuura Irni.
Kuura Irni was a panelist in the event Critical Animal Studies and Inter-Species Social Justice, Helsinki, 16.1.2019.
Panel discussion "Climate Change and Violence: Recognizing and Fighting Injustices" at Think Corner. Gender Studies 2019 Conference: On Violence, 24.10.-26.10.2019, University of Helsinki. Panelists: Petra Laiti, Violeta Gutierrez Zamora, Sari Rautio, Kadri Aavik.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Men and veganism: Estonian men's experiences of living as vegan. Estonian Animal Rights Conference 2019, May 3, 2019, Tallinn.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Veganism as everyday activism: vegan men addressing animal exploitation and climate change in everyday life. Public talk (organised by GU-CAS network), 6.11.2019, Gothenburg.
Aavik, Kadri. 2019. Men and veganism: becoming and living as vegan. Tallinn Vegan Fair, 9.11.2019, Tallinn.
Aavik, Kadri. 2020. Keynote speech "How men are expanding the circle of compassion: what vegan men can show us about care" at The 5th International Conference on Men and Equal Opportunities: Men who care, September 3, 2020, Tallinn.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Yle Radio 1, Roman Schatzin Maamme-kirja, episode "Onko kestävä ruoantuotanto mahdollista?", February 11, 2019.
Interview with Kadri Aavik (in Estonian) for the Estonian animal rights Podcast Loomade Hääl [Voice of Animals], May 2019.
Interview with Kadri Aavik: Uurimus: Eesti mehed hakkavad veganiks, kuna tunnevad muret keskkonna ja loomade kannatamise pärast [Study: Estonian men go vegan because of concern for environment and animal suffering]. Õhtuleht (major Estonian daily newspaper). 6 May, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Karjalainen, "Eläin kokee järjellä ja tunteella", July 24, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Yle news "Voiko sika tuntea surua? Suomalaisten käsitykset eläinten kyvyistä vaihtelevat voimakaasti eläinlajin mukaan", August 8, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Helsingin Sanomat, "Väitös: Osa välttelee eläimestä muistuttavia lihatuotteita", August 8, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Yle Radio 1, Horisontti, episode "Onko lihan syömisen loppuminen maailmanlaajuisesti realismia?", August 11, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Karjalainen, "Huoli eläimistä ei näy kulutuksessa", August 15, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, "Nuoret ja naiset huolissaan tuotantoeläinten hyvinvoinnista", August 16, 2019.
Interview with Saara Kupsalan in Animalia 4/2019, "Tuotantoeläinten olosuhteet huolestuttavat, mutta huoli ei aina näy päätöksissä".
Interview with Saara Kupsalan in a youth book “Tekoja nyt! Maailmanpelastajan käsikirja” (Annila, Pekkonen & Uusitalo, Otava 2020).
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Yle Radio Suomen Päivä, June 17, 2020.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in the Finnish Centre for Animal Welfare blog, June 23, 2020.
Interview with Saara Kupsala in Ilkka-Pohjalainen, July 28, 2020.
Interview with Kadri Aavik on veganism and gender for the podcast My Dear Kitchen Helsinki, August 2020.