USP in China 2019: Luoyi village revitalisation workshop

In April 2019, USP students and teachers were invited to participate in an international workshop in Luoyi village, in the Chengmai district of Hainan, China. The multidisciplinary group of students worked with the main theme of the workshop, village revitalisation, by conducting research on the field and continuing the project proposals in Finland. Now the final product is ready and available for everyone to read online.


The location of the workshop, Luoyi village, is a typical example of global rural-to-urban migration trends, and the resultant neglect of the rural villages and traditional lifestyles. As a growing global trend, and a particularly acute problem throughout China, the multidisciplinary workshop spanned several themes concerning the revitalisation of rural villages, involving projects of varying size and time-scale. Students conducted field research and interviews whilst in Luoyi, and combined their different experiences in order to propose some development strategies for the village.

The final result of the Luoyi village workshop, a booklet, is a collation of the experiences and complementary proposals for ensuring Luoyi village’s prosperity into the future. To read the work online, please click the link below.

Link to the online booklet.

The workshop also raised much attention in the local Chinese media. You can watch a video by local News Channel through this link (in English).