Our paper "Nuts and Bolts: Microfluidics for the Production of Biomaterials" appears in the list of Hot Topic in Drug Delivery from Wiley Journals

Microfluidics displays multiple applications in the treatment of complex diseases. The nuts and bolts to engineer a platform to produce a drug delivery system are analyzed. Moreover, the application of microfluidics platforms as sensor and to produce nanotherapeutics in cancer, immunotherapy, diabetes, and other diseases are reviewed. Finally, the challenges still remaining for industrial and clinical use are reported.

More details about the 'Hot topic: Drug Delivery' at the Wiley website.

The paper details can be found from here

Title: Nuts and Bolts: Microfluidics for the Production of Biomaterials

Authors: Flavia Fontana, João P. Martins, Giulia Torrieri, Hélder A. Santos*