P4 FIT consortium Kick-Off meeting on 22.1.2021

The P4 FIT CONSORTIUM KICK-OFF MEETING – PART I took place on January 22nd, 2021 at 10.00–14.00 (Helsinki time) via Zoom and was Chaired by Prof. Hélder Santos, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, and Scientific Coordinator of P4 FIT



Chair: Prof. Hélder Santos, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki and Scientific Coordinator of P4 FIT

Opening of the meeting

10.00-10.30     Welcome words by the Chair and short introduction by all participants

10.30-10.45    Introduction of the Faculty and UH - Prof. Jouni Hirvonen, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy


10.45-11.00    Doctoral Education at UH - Dr. Maija Tiippana-Usvasalo, Education Coordinator


11.00–11.15     Break

11.15–12.30     Official agenda

12.30–13.00     Break

13.00–14.00     Official agenda (cont.)

Official agenda included (Chair):

  1. Approval of the agenda and selection of the secretary
  2. General info about P4 FIT – Prof. Hélder Santos (UH)
    1. Beneficiaries
    2. Partnership Organizations
    3. Research, Training and Network Costs
    4. Consortium Agreement (CA)
    5. Partnership Organisations Agreements (POA)
    6. Deliverables – timeline
    7. Work packages – general overview
    8. Organization of management structures: Supervisory Boards
    9. Double doctoral degrees – Cotutelle Agreements
    10. Recruitment Strategy
    11. Career development plan (CDP)
    12. Reporting
    13. Open research data and data management plan (DMP)
  3. Any other business & questions
  4. Virtual group photo
  5. Closing remarks