Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is changing the world and creating new prospects for our society. Read our news and articles about AI and the ethics of artificial intelligence. Also, check out the opportunities to learn the basics of artificial intelligence! News about Artificial intelligence
Ethics of artificial intelligence in a nutshell
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Artificial intelligence is already a part of our daily lives. The Ethics of AI is free course for anyone who is interested in the ethical aspects of AI.

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Ethics of artificial intelligence and algorithms

The ethics of artificial intelligence denotes the values that guide us in the development of smart technical solutions. Artificial intelligence makes decisions based on its code and the data on which it has been trained.

Questions arising from artificial intelligence include how our data are used, who is responsible for decisions made by computers, system errors and unexpected consequences, and whether, for example, facial recognition systems are used in a way that respects human rights. A broader question is how we wish to utilise emerging technologies.

Algorithms already affect our daily lives as part of various AI systems. Online shopping, streaming services, recommendation algorithms, search engines, social media and online dating applications rely on algorithms. The further artificial intelligence solutions spread and the more varied the applications and data collection become, the bigger the impact they will have on us.

Everyone needs AI literacy, and understanding ethical questions is an essential element of it. Through collaboration between different fields of science, the University conducts multidisciplinary research on artificial intelligence. Research in data science focuses on understanding future challenges and increases knowledge pertaining to the operating principles, limitations and opportunities of AI applications.