Contact information

The lectures and seminars of the Pöllö Academy are open and free of charge. All children and young people wondering about the big issues in life are welcome.

Contact us and hear more about our activities and events:

Saila Poulter

Sara Sintonen

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is located close to the city centre of Helsinki. See map of this area.


Faculty of Educational Sciences

P.O. Box 9, Siltavuorenpenger 5 A

00014 University of Helsinki


The following people are hooting in the background of the Pöllö academy

Ilkka Ahola-Luttila

Saija Benjamin

Noora Bosch

Vilhelmiina Harju

Arja Kaasinen

Alexandra Nordström

Sanna Oinas

Anniliina Omwami

Heidi Sairanen

Sari Slotte

Kati Sormunen

Katariina Stenberg

Marianna Vivitsou