The project reflects on the public-private divide in a constructive way by analysing what is going on in privacy and personal data regulation with regard to the conception of the person that privacy rights are meant to protect. Moreover, what are the implications of the chosen type of personhood – a social being or an individual person – for community values, such as solidarity and equality?
See for more (in Finnish), by Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo in Politiikasta (21.11.2019): Onko tämä julkista vai yksityistä?
The POP-Team includes:
Suvi Sankari, LL.D. Team lead (PI). Suvi Sankari is an adjunct professor in European Law at the University of Helsinki and deputy director / research coordinator at the University of Helsinki Legal Tech Lab.
Tuulia Karjalainen, LL.M. Tuulia Karjalainen is a doctoral researcher at the faculty of law at the University of Helsinki.
Marta Maroni, LL.D. Marta Maroni is a post-doctoral researcher at the faculty of law at the University of Helsinki.
Riku Neuvonen, LL. D. Title of docent (Media Law) Riku Neuvonen is post-doctoral researcher at the faculty of law at the University of Helsinki.
Affiliated researchers:
Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo, LL.D. Susanna Lindroos Hovinheimo is Professor at the University of Helsinki.