HOH Seminars

An open seminar series promoting interdisciplinary discussion on current research in translational research, animal health and welfare, food safety, and other One Health topics.
Forthco­ming se­mi­nars
Past seminars
Thomas Spillmann – 4th December 2024

The canine gastric carcinoma project

Professor Thomas Spillmann (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Tarja Pääkkönen (Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine)

Jussi Honkavaara – 5th November 2024

Way beyond pressure - hemodynamic research in veterinary anesthesia

Associate professor Jussi Honkavaara (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Anna Mykkänen (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Pernilla Syrjä – 2nd October 2024

The pathology of canine cognitive dysfunction - similarities and differences to early Alzheimer's disease in humans

Assistant professor Pernilla Syrjä (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Tarja Pääkkönen (Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine)

Kristian Forbes – 16th September 2024

Probing the intersection of wildlife host ecology and zoonotic spillover risk using bat and rodent systems

Associate professor Kristian Forbes (University of Arkansas)

Chair: Associate Professor Tarja Sironen (Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine)

Bridgit Muasa – 4th September 2024

AMR surveillance in Africa – One health Approach

BVM, PhD Bridgit Muasa (University of Nairobi and National Veterinary Reference Laboratories, Kenya)

Chair: Associate Professor Annamari Heikinheimo (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Finnish Food Authority)

Olli Peltoniemi – 5th September 2023

One Health and Animal Reproduction

Professor, Dean Olli Peltoniemi (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chairs: Associate Professors Annamari Heikinheimo (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Finnish Food Authority) and Tarja Sironen (Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine)

Ville Friman – 3rd May 2023

Using ecology and evolution to design effective phage therapeutics in the clinical and agricultural contexts

Professor Ville Friman (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry)

Chair: Assistant Professor Annamari Heikinheimo (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Finnish Food Authority)

Katri Korpela – 5th April 2023

Impact of Environmental Exposures and Social Distancing on Infant Gut Microbiota

University Researcher Katri Korpela (Faculty of Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Tarja Sironen (Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine)

Craig Hedberg – 8th March 2023

Salmonella: A One Health Wonder

Professor Craig Hedberg (University of Minnesota)

Chair: Professor Janne Lundén (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Wednesday 8th March at 4 pm Finnish time (EET)

Jenni Karttunen – 7th December 2022

Potential of Extracellular Vesicles in Translational Research

University Researcher Jenni Karttunen (Helsinki Institute of Life Science)

Chair: Senior University Lecturer Mikael Niku (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Frauke Ecke – 5th October 2022

Drivers of the transmission risk of rodent-borne pathogens

Professor Frauke Ecke (Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences)

Chair: Associate Professor Tarja Sironen (Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine)

Marko Virta

2022, April 6th

Antimicrobial resistance and human activities

Professor Marko Virta (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry)

Chair: Associate Professor Tarja Pitkänen (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare)

Päivi Rajala-Schultz

2022, March 2nd

Responsible antimicrobial use in dairy production:  Controlling mastitis at dry-off

Professor Päivi Rajala-Schultz (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Heli Simojoki (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Tiina Sikanen

2022, February 9th

Incorporation of sustainability view to pharmacy education and research – A case example from Faculty of Pharmacy

Associate Professor Tiina Sikanen (Faculty of Pharmacy, HELSUS)

Chair: Assistant Professor Anna-Riia Holmström (Faculty of Pharmacy)

Sari Lauri

2021, December 1st 

Developmentally originating neuropsychiatric disorders: Kainate receptors as a novel therapeutic target?

Research Director Sari Lauri (HiLife Neuroscience Center)

Chair: Assistant Professor Anna Mykkänen (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Outi Vainio

2021, November 3rd

Sedation and pain alleviation in animals - special focus on alpha-2 adrenoceptors

Professor Outi Vainio (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Professor Tomi Taira (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)


Claudio Oliviero

2021 October 6th

Reducing antibiotic use in farm animals, ongoing research and industry perspective

Docent Claudio Oliviero (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Technical Sales Manager Shah Hasan (Hankkija Oy)

Chair: Professor Olli Peltoniemi (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Arja Rautio

2021, September 1st

Human health is One Health in the Arctic

Professor Arja Rautio (University of Oulu)

Chair: Professor Sarah Green (Faculty of Social Sciences)


Sofia Väärikkälä

2021, June 2nd

Strengthening the Elements of Official Animal Welfare Control 

Specialist in Environmental Health Care, Resident in ECWBM-AWSEL Sofia Väärikkälä (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Professor Päivi Rajala-Schultz (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Alessandra Scagliarini

2021, May 5th

From Pests to Pets - A One Health Perspective on Urbanization 

Professor Alessandra Scagliarini (University of Bologna)

Chair: Docent Tuomas Aivelo (Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences)

Rosa Jolma

2021, April 7th

Wildlife Populations and One Health 

ECZM Wildlife Population Health Resident Rosa Jolma (Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, and Royal Veterinary College )

Chair: Assistant Professor Anna Mykkänen (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Tarja Pitkänen

2021, March 3rd

Sources and health risks of fecal pathogens in watersheds

Associate Professor Tarja Pitkänen (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Janne Lundén(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Sarah Green

2021, February 3rd

Animal Transport and Pandemics Across the Mediterranean

Professor Sarah Green (Faculty of Social Sciences)

Chair: Assistant Professor Annamari Heikinheimo (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Finnish Food Authority)

Annamari Heikinheimo

2020, December 2nd

Antimicrobial Resistance from One Health Perspective

Assistant Professor Annamari Heikinheimo (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Finnish Food Authority)

Chair: Associate Professor Heli Simojoki (Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture and Forestry)

Anna Mykkänen

2020, November 4th

Lessons learned from horse diseases

Assistant Professor Anna Mykkänen (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Associate Professor Peter Krawczel (Faculties of Agriculture and Forestry and Veterinary Medicine)

Janne Lunden

2020, October 7th

Risk management in food safety – cornerstone of One Health

Associate Professor Janne Lundén (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Assistant Professor Anna-Riia Holmström (Faculties of Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine)

Heli Simojoki

2020, September 2nd

Calf: health and diseases today

Associate Professor Heli Simojoki (Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture and Forestry)

Chair: Assistant Professor Tarja Pääkkönen (Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine)

Tarja Sironen

2020, June 3rd

One Health approach to prevent future Disease X – lessons from Covid-19

Associate Professor Tarja Sironen (Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: HOH Director, Professor Olli Peltoniemi  (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Anna-Riia Holmström 

2020, May 6th

Current research in medication safety and effectiveness in human and veterinary medicine

Assistant Professor Anna-Riia Holmström (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Faculty of Pharmacy)

Chair: Associate Professor Janne Lundén (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Peter Krawczel

2020, April 1st

Current research in ruminant health & welfare

Associate Professor Peter Krawczel (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry & Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Chair: Assistant Professor Annamari Heikinheimo (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Finnish Food Authority)