NEW video on dehulling grain legumes for food use from University of Helsinki
New video on inoculating grain legumes from University of Helsinki
Legumes have a potentially significant role in solving many environmental and societal challenges. However, they remain underutilized partly due to the modern food system that is overly dependent on synthetic fertilizer, cheap cereal, and soya. We need a new form of thinking to envisage a sustainable food system that can untap the full potential of legumes.
We invite you to listen to a group of legume experts from Germany, Denmark, Austria, and Finland presenting examples and insights on improving and expanding the use of legumes in Europe. During the afternoon, a workshop will take place to discuss solutions for enhancing and strengthening legume-based value chains in Finland. The webinar is recorded as well as the workshop.
The presentations are held in English and the afternoon workshop is in Finnish. A detailed introduction of the speakers can be found at the end of this invitation. We aim to make the webinar recording public.
The seminar is organized by Ground for Growth as part of Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems (Legumes Translated), Legumes for sustainable food system and healthy life (LEG4LIFE), Eating and energy use reconfigured (EE-TRANS) and Climate change mitigation and adaptation in Finnish agriculture - coordination project (VILLE).
Registration and participation
Registration is open until the 18th of October 2020. Please use the following link to register for this event:
The event is entirely web-based. You will be sent an invitation link how to join the webinar by email. The workshops is recorded but the recording is deleted once the content is transcribed and anonymized.
Contact details
Casimir Schauman, casimir.schauman (at) +358 50 311 9291
Marjukka Lamminen, marjukka.lamminen (at) +358 29 415 8563
Annika Lonkila, annika.lonkila (at) +358 29 525 2032
Riitta Savikko, riitta.savikko (at), +35850 571 4548
Presentation of speakers
Anne-Maria Pajari is PI (Principal Investigator) and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Food and Nutrition, in the University of Helsinki. Her basic training is in nutritional physiology and cell biology and she has a long-standing research experience in studying the molecular mechanisms whereby plant-based foods and dietary fibres affect human health and prevent chronic diseases such as colorectal cancer and type 2 diabetes. Anne-Maria leads two research consortia focusing on legumes as a part of healthy and sustainable food system (Leg4Life and LEGUCOMF).
Karen Hamann is the CEO and Head of research at the Institute for Food Studies IFAU in Denmark. She holds a Masters’ Degree in Agriculture in Copenhagen and has more than 20 years of experience in applied research about global agro-food supply chains. The focus of Karen’s work is on markets, supply chains, innovation, and business development. She is a partner in the EU-funded project “Transition Paths to Sustainable Legume-based Systems in Europe - TRUE” where she is heading the research about food and feed supply chains and market development opportunities (
Leopold Rittler is an agronomist with broad experience in managing natural resources. He is Head of Research and Innovation in Donau Soja and serves as Secretary to the Donau Soja Scientific Advisory Board. Donau Soja is a non-profit membership-based organisation headquartered in Vienna and founded in 2012. Its mission is to support its partners and members in progressing change to address social, environmental, and economic challenges in soya production and consumption in Europe.
Ulrich Quendt is coordinating a knowledge transfer network consisting of 60 conventional as well as organic farms growing field peas or field beans. This network (DemoNetErBo) aims to expand and enhance the cultivation as well as the sustainable use of field peas and field beans. It also focuses on improving the value gained by farmers when growing peas and beans. Special focus is therefore on the development and presentation of legume value chains for feed and food production spanning all levels from breeding to cultivation, processing until consumer use.
Picture by: Ground for Growth