Work With Us

The Centre for Social Data Science is always happy to work with new people, whether you're a current student or already far in your career! You can see the opportunities we have for work or collaboration on this page.
What We Want To Do

The Centre for Social Data Science is always looking for ways to improve its work. These are approached through three main categories.

Infrastructure Enhancements

In Finland’s infrastructural development, the focus at universities and beyond has been on investing in a large-scale development process. Needs identified as specific to the Faculty of Social Sciences align broadly with infrastructure-enhancement areas such as:

  • Register-based data sources for social science, including interfaces with Statistics Finland and other official registers
  • Solid frameworks for survey-oriented research – in particular, platforms supporting collaboration with national and international research communities
  • Software systems for security-assured automatic transcription of interview materials
  • Platforms and services that enhance collection of social-media and other digital data, with special attention to recent and impending changes in the regulatory landscape
Research Paths

Operating at the intersection of statistics, computing, and the social sciences, the Centre for Social Data Science aims to furnish opportunities for data-intensive research able to address the key questions in social science. Our desired research paths include:

  • Consolidating and expanding research collaboration with partners within and beyond the university
  • Demonstrating academic excellence in social data science, nationally and internationally
  • Maintaining close connections among the research groups at the centre
  • Developing new dimensions of research, partly through attracting early-career researchers by means of competitive funding
  •  Offering methodological support to researchers at any stage in their career
Advancing the Centre’s Teaching

We continually refine our teaching such that it maintains pace with a rapidly evolving methodological landscape. In particular, the CSDS constantly ensures that Contemporary Societies remains the most methodology-oriented master’s programme in Finland and on par with counterparts in the other Nordic countries. We're interested in the experience from people across the world to improve the quality of our education.

Our open academic positions are listed on the University of Helsinki .

To become a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant, please contact us and ask for possibilities!

Open Positions

Interested in being a part of the Centre for Social Data Science? There are a few ways that you can find an opportunity with us:

We are also always interested in inter-research collaboration! Feel free to reach out to us with any possibilities for cooperation.