Helsinki Social Computing Group is an interdisciplinary research group focused on computers and social science spanning across political science, human-computer interaction, design, and data science. It is lead Matti Nelimarkka and hosted at the Centre for Social Data Science, Faculty of Social Science.
The Good Digital Society group is a multidisciplinary group of researchers inspired by the question of how to bring about a good society for all in the digital era. It acts as a hub for doctoral researchers from several disciplines and the FinnSurveyText project dealing with the analysis of survey open answers. It is lead by Krista Lagus and hosted at the Centre of Social Data Science, Faculty of Social Science.
Demographers at CSDS study population dynamics, fertility and mortality forecasting, family formation and dissolution, and inequalities in demographic processes. The team works with and within the Population Research Unit and collaborates extensively with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.