
Stay up-to-date on the latest 6G research and advancements with our Publications section. Here, you will find a comprehensive list of the academic papers, conference proceedings, and other works produced by our faculty, researchers, and students. Our Publications section provides a window into the cutting-edge thinking and research taking place at our university in the context of 6G research. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply interested in the field, our Publications section is the perfect place to start your exploration of the world of 6G technology.

Jeong, J., Premsankar, G., Ghaddar, B., & Tarkoma, S. (2024). A robust optimization approach for placement of applications in edge computing considering latency uncertainty. Omega (United Kingdom), 126, Article 103064.

Liu, X., Concas, F., Motlagh, N. H., Zaidan, M. A., Fung, P. L., Varjonen, S., Niemi, J., Timonen, H., Hussein, T., Petäjä, T., Kulmala, M., Nurmi, P., & Tarkoma, S. (2024). Estimating Black Carbon Levels with Proxy Variables and Low-Cost Sensors. IEEE internet of things journal. Advance online publication.

Dar, F., Mayowa, O., Ottun, A-R., Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Zuniga, A., Passananti, M., Tarkoma, S., Nurmi, P., & Flores, H. (2024). LIZARD: Pervasive Sensing for Autonomous Plastic Litter Monitoring. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2024) (ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI ))

Flores, H., Zuniga, A., Radeta, M., Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Motlagh, N. H., Nguyen, N. T., Tarkoma, S., Youssef, M., & Nurmi, P. (Accepted/In press). SEAGULL: Low-Cost Pervasive Sensing for Monitoring and Analysing Underwater Plastics. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2024) (ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI ))


Liu, X., Tarkoma, S., Mork Müller, T., Aaboen, A., & Su, X. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization for Mobile Augmented Reality Offloading. In ImmerCom '23: Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Mobile Immersive Computing, Networking, and Systems (pp. 247-253). Association for Computing Machinery.

Xi, Y., Liu, Y., Li, T., Ding, J., Zhang, Y., Tarkoma, S., Li, Y., & Hui, P. (2023). A Satellite Imagery Dataset for Long-Term Sustainable Development in United States Cities. Scientific data , 10(1), Article 866.

AlKnawy, B., Kozlakidis, Z., Tarkoma, S., Bates, D., Honkela, A., Crooks, G., Rhee, K., & McKillop, M. (2023). Digital public health leadership in the global fight for health security. BMJ global health, 8(2).

Motlagh, N. H., Zaidan, M. A., Loven, L., Fung, P. L., Hänninen, T., Morabito, R., Nurmi, P., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). Digital Twins for Smart Spaces - Beyond IoT Analytics. IEEE internet of things journal.

Motlagh, N. H., Zaidan, M. A., Fung, P. L., Rebeiro-Hargrave, A., Irjala, M., Hussein, T., Petäjä, T., Nurmi, P., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). Feasibility of Air Quality Monitoring from Transport Vehicles. In EnvSys '23: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Environmental Sensing Systems for Smart Cities (pp. 13-18). ACM SIGMOBILE.

Cao, J., Mehmood, H., Liu, X., Tarkoma, S., Gilman, E., & Su, X. (2023). Fighting Pandemics with Augmented Reality and Smart Sensing-based Social Distancing. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43(1), 65-75.

Vainio, A., Mudvari, A., Kiedanski, D., Tarkoma, S., & Tassiulas, L. (2023). Fog Computing for Deep Learning with Pipelines. In 2023 IEEE 7th International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC) (pp. 64-72). Article 9 IEEE Foundation.

Cao, J., Liu, X., Su, X., Hædahl, J. E., Fjellestad, T. B., Haziri, D., Hoang-An Vu, A., Koskiaho, J., Karjalainen, S. M., Ronkanen, A-K., Tarkoma, S., & Hui, P. (Accepted/In press). Head-mounted display-based augmented reality for water quality visualisation. Water Science and Engineering .

Zaidan, M. A., Motlagh, N. H., Fung, P. L., Khalaf, A. S., Matsumi, Y., Ding, A., Tarkoma, S., Petäjä, T., Kulmala, M., & Hussein, T. (2023). Intelligent Air Pollution Sensors Calibration for Extreme Events and Drifts Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(2), 1366-1379.

Li, T., Xi, Y., Wang, H., Li, Y., Tarkoma, S., & Hui, P. (2023). Learning Representations of Satellite Imagery by Leveraging Point-of-Interests. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 14(4), Article 61.

Lintunen, M., Premsankar, G., Tenhunen, H., Tarkoma, S., & Rao, A. (2023). Poster: Automatic Mass Power Outage Detection in Radio Access Networks. 559-560. Poster session presented at MobiSys '23: 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, Helsinki, Finland.

Sara, S., Rebeiro-Hargrave, A., Gujar, S., Kathalkar, O., Varjonen, S., Chaudhari, S., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). Protocol for hunting PM2.5emission hot spots in cities. In EnvSys 2023 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Environmental Sensing Systems for Smart Cities (pp. 37-42). ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTING MACHINERY, INC.

Chen, Y., Hoque, M. A., Xu, P., Lu, J., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). SimCost: cost-effective resource provision prediction and recommendation for spark workloads. Distributed and Parallel Databases.

Geng, W., Zhang, Y., Kutscher, D., Kumar, A., Tarkoma, S., & Hui, P. (2023). SoK: Distributed Computing in ICN. In SoK: Distributed Computing in ICN (pp. 88–100). ACM .

Sara, S., Rebeiro-Hargrave, A., Parmar, A., Fung, P. L., Patwardhan, I., Varjonen, S., Reddy, C. R., Chaudhari, S., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). The Application of Mobile Sensing to Detect CO and NO2 Emission Spikes in Polluted Cities. IEEE Access, 11, 79624-79635.

Nguyen, N. T., Zubair, M., Zuniga, A., Tarkoma, S., Hui, P., Lee, H., Perrault, S. T., Ammar, M. H., Flores, H., & Nurmi, P. (2023). The Price is Right? The Economic Value of Sharing Sensors. IEEE transactions on computational social systems.

Motlagh, N. H., Irjala, M., Zuniga, A., Lagerspetz, E., Rantala, V., Flores, H., Nurmi, P., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). Toward Blue Skies: City-Scale Air Pollution Monitoring using UAVs. IEEE consumer electronics magazine, 12(1), 21 - 31.

Enberg, P., Tarkoma, S., & Rao, A. (2023). Towards Database and Serverless Runtime Co-Design. In Proceedings of the on CoNEXT Student Workshop 2023 (pp. 9–10). (CoNEXT-SW '23). Association for Computing Machinery.

Motlagh, N. H., Zaidan, M. A., Morabito, R., Nurmi, P., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). Towards Large-Scale IoT Deployments in Smart Cities: Requirements and Challenges. In P. K. Donta, A. Hazra, & L. Lovén (Eds.), Learning Techniques for the Internet of Things (1 ed., pp. 105-129). Springer.

Xu, D., Su, X., Wang, H., Tarkoma, S., & Hui, P. (2023). Towards Risk-Averse Edge Computing With Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

Li, T., Fan, Y., Li, Y., Tarkoma, S., & Hui, P. (2023). Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of Mobile App Usage. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 22(2), 1213-1230.

Motlagh, N. H., Kortoçi, P., Su, X., Loven, L., Hoel, H. K., Haugsvær, S. B., Srivastava, V., Gulbrandsen, C. F., Nurmi, P., & Tarkoma, S. (2023). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Air Pollution Monitoring: A survey. IEEE internet of things journal, 10(24).

Dar, F., Liyanage, M., Radeta, M., Yin, Z., Zuniga, A., Kosta, S., Tarkoma, S., Nurmi, P., & Flores, H. (2023). Upscaling Fog Computing in Oceans for Underwater Pervasive Data Science using Low-Cost Micro-Clouds. ACM transactions on the internet of things, 4(2), 1–29.

Zaidan, M. A., Motlagh, N. H., Boor, B. E., Lu, D., Nurmi, P., Petäjä, T., Ding, A., Kulmala, M., Tarkoma, S., & Hussein, T. (2023). Virtual Sensors: Towards High-Resolution Air Pollution Monitoring using AI and IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 6(1).

Li, T., Li, Y., Zhang, M., Tarkoma, S., & Hui, P. (2023). You Are How You Use Apps: User Profiling Based on Spatiotemporal App Usage Behavior. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 14(4).


Zaidan, M.A., Motlagh, N.H., Fung, P.L., Khalaf, A.S., Matsumi, Y., Ding, A., Tarkoma, S., Petäjä, T., Kulmala, M. and Hussein, T., 2022. Intelligent air pollution sensors calibration for extreme events and drifts monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics19(2), pp.1366-1379. Read the paper.

Motlagh, N.H., Lovén, L., Cao, J., Liu, X., Nurmi, P., Dustdar, S., Tarkoma, S. and Su, X., 2022. Edge Computing: The Computing Infrastructure for the Smart Megacities of the Future. Computer55(12), pp.54-64. Read the paper.

Zaidan, M.A., Xie, Y., Motlagh, N.H., Wang, B., Nie, W., Nurmi, P., Tarkoma, S., Petäjä, T., Ding, A. and Kulmala, M., 2022. Dense Air Quality Sensor Networks: Validation, Analysis, and Benefits. IEEE Sensors Journal22(23), pp.23507-23520. Read the paper.

Premsankar, G. and Ghaddar, B., 2022. Energy-efficient service placement for latency-sensitive applications in edge computing. IEEE internet of things journal9(18), pp.17926-17937. Read the paper.

Scargill, T., Premsankar, G., Chen, J. and Gorlatova, M., 2022, May. Here to stay: A quantitative comparison of virtual object stability in markerless mobile AR. In 2022 2nd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Human System Design and Implementation (CPHS) (pp. 24-29). IEEE. Read the paper.

Zhang, Y., Scargill, T., Vaishnav, A., Premsankar, G., Di Francesco, M. and Gorlatova, M., 2022. InDepth: Real-time depth inpainting for mobile augmented reality. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies6(1), pp.1-25. Read the paper.

Cao, J., Mehmood, H., Liu, X., Tarkoma, S., Gilman, E., and Su, X., 2022. Fighting Pandemics with Augmented Reality and Smart Sensing-based Social Distancing. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43 (1), pp.65-75. Read the paper.


With multimedia content projected to form the majority of internet traffic, scalability is a major issue. In parallel, a lot of processing is shifting to the edge of the network, but where should we locate the compute hardware in this case? In this talk, Antero Vainio describes a distributed network architecture which can help solve these challenges. Third talk rom the collaborative machine learning session at Computing Systems Week Tampere.