
Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy conducts research and monitoring on crime, system of legal sanctions, the interaction of law and society, and judicial conditions.

Criminological Research

Criminological research focuses on crime and different reactions to crime. The researchers aim to find answers on which factors affect crime and criminal behaviour, and on the other hand, what are the social and societal consequences of crime. As part of criminological research, Krimo is responsible for maintaining four national crime monitoring systems, alongside conducting research on several other areas of criminological research. The national monitoring systems study homicide (using the Finnish Homicide Monitor and the European Homicide Monitor), crime victimization, citizens' experiences and fear of crime (using Finnish National Crime Survey), youth delinquency (Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study and the International Self-Report Delinquency Study) and long-term trends in different types of crime.

Other research topics include historical criminology and the history of criminology, bio-social criminology, intimate partner violence, research on prisons and prisoners, and recidivism and desistance research. Research methods range from qualitative to quantitative research, utilizing interview data, Krimo’s own research databases based on surveys and criminal convictions, and linking data with national register data.

Legal Policy Research

Legal policy research focuses on three main research areas: legislative studies, debt research, and Access to Justice research. In the area of legislative studies, we examine legislative drafting processes, implementation, and the impacts of legislation. Recent studies have explored topics such as public consultation in legislative drafting and ex-post evaluation of legislation. In debt research, the focus is on the causes and consequences of debt problems as well as debt regulation. Recent studies have addressed, for example, interest rate caps on consumer credit. In the Access to Justice area, recent research has investigated, among other topics, citizens legal needs and experiences of resolving legal problems, mediation, digital interfaces, and recognizing and responding to child maltreatment.

Relationship between the individual and the legal system, equality, and the use of mixed research methods are the cross-cutting themes in the research area. Legal policy research currently employs researchers at Krimo with educational backgrounds in social sciences, law, and psychology.

Criminal Policy Research

Criminal policy research conducts wide-ranging, multidisciplinary, and multi-method analysis on the criminal justice system and related phenomena. The research focuses on the evaluation and functioning of the criminal justice system and criminal policy measures as well as broader trends and transformations in criminal and control policy. Recent research themes include the coherence of judicial practices, sentencing and enforcement practices, the emerging forms of control, the social integration of offenders, and effectiveness of crime prevention measures, ranging from youth delinquency to organized crime. The research carried out at Krimo also addresses the perceived fairness and equal treatment within the criminal justice system and the multi-actor nature of criminal policy. The research area is staffed by both social scientists and legal scholars.

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