Come visit us

Are you interested in learning more about how we approach learning, research and education at the University of Helsinki? Come see for yourself! We have a number of organisations and initiatives making it possible for visitors to get a real Helsinki experience.

The University of Helsinki operates on four campuses in Helsinki and in 10 other localities in Finland. Read more about our campuses and their services!


At the University of Helsinki we like when people come to visit. We have plenty of places to show which you can visit on a tour of the campuses including the Helsinki University Museum where you can learn all about the long and fascinating history of the University. Sights also include the National Library, Kaisaniemi Botanical Gardens, Finnish Museum of National History and so much more.

If you are coming to Helsinki for a conference, make sure to make time for exploring the many attractions. And do not forget Helsinki Think Corner, where our researchers meet the citizens of Helsinki in regular events, lectures, and conferences and where you can grab a coffee or lunch, while browsing the bookstore or get some work or studying done.

Visitors guide

Are you here for a seminar or conference? Or perhaps you are joining as a visiting researcher? Make sure you look through our guide for visitors where have gathered some tips for a succesful trip to University of Helsinki and the City of Helsinki.

UniVisits Organised by HY+

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+ Ltd is a fully-owned company of the University of Helsinki. HY+’s unique UniVisit concepts provide you with an insight into the Finnish education system and expertise. We help you to connect with the University of Helsinki’s top professionals, scientists, and researchers. We will not only share our expertise with you, but also ensure that theory will be put into practise through utilizing co-creation methods, workshops, and reflection. We can also connect you with Finnish schools, companies, and government organisations.

International Staff Exchange Weeks

We believe that sharing knowledge and experiences are one of the best ways to learn something new and get ideas for how to improve. For International Staff Exchange Week, we invite non-academic colleagues from other European universities to come visit us here in Helsinki to network and share good practices. We deal with topics that are of mutual interest to the participants and always strive for a fun and engaging learning experience.