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Here you can find a cause that you want to support or make a general donation to the University of Helsinki to support studies and research.
Science creates hope - together we can make major scientific breakthroughs possible

A donation to science is a donation to hope. Researchers at the University of Helsinki search for solutions to the big and small questions of our time. By donating to science, you work with us to build the future with the help of education and research. 

Even small donations make a big difference. Your donation could be the driving force behind a scientific breakthrough that will change the world.

As well as a one time donation, you can also become a monthly donor. A monthly donation is a good way to support research and teaching in the long term. 

Let's create hope together. Donate to the university.

Support a cause that is important to us all
Support disciplines

Support professionals in the sustainable bioeconomy – donate to agriculture and forestry

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry is Finland’s only academic expert in the end-to-end sustainable food chain and a world-class player in forestry. The progression of urbanisation and climate change calls for more research to help us find solutions to global food safety and sustainable, local food production, as well as to build a carbon-neutral society. The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry integrates insight into the wellbeing and behaviour of humans with the ecosystem’s operations.

Donors have played a significant role in advancing the research carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry and in supporting students. The latest achievements made possible by donated assets include a measuring station for the greenhouse gas balance of arable land, a professorship in forest technology and logistics, as well as the Faculty’s first professor of practice.

The Fund for Agricultural Sciences and Forestry supports research, teaching and students in agricultural sciences, forestry and food sciences at the University of Helsinki.

The fund has 18 named funds, the oldest one from 1745.

Capital (2019): EUR 1,4M

Support the wellbeing of people and the environment – donate to biological and environmental sciences

The Biological and Environmental Sciences Faculty conducts internationally recognised top research and provides related teaching. The faculty's multidisciplinary research on cells, molecules and viruses will focus on global environmental problems and their solutions to promote sustainable interaction and resilience between the environment and humans.

Donations enable the continuation of top research and the emergence of new talented generations of researchers in solving global challenges. Donations will help several young researchers in the faculty at critical career stages and the establishment of professors in relevant fields of research. The most recent innovations enabled with donated funds support top-level research on biodiversity.


The Fund for Biological and Environmental Sciences supports research, teaching and studies in Biology, Environmental Sciences and Biosciences at the University of Helsinki. This area of research is also supported by two independent funds; Helsingin Energia Fund and Professor Risto Tuomikoski Fund.

The Fund in a Nut­shell

7 named funds: Harry Federley Fund, Carl Finniläs Zoological Fund, Professor Olli Halkkas Fund, Heinonsalo Fund, Caj Gustaf Nyberg Fund, J. A. Palmén Fund and Professor Esko Suomalainen Fund.

Capital (2015): EUR 186,000 

Administrative Committee: Vice Dean Atte Korhola, professor Juha Partanen and student Matts Ittonen

Support future teachers and learning – donate to the educational sciences 

The University of Helsinki is home to world-class education and research in educational sciences. The Faculty of Educational Sciences also plays a strong role in the development of the Finnish education system and as an expert disseminator of Finnish educational competence around the world. The learning and wellbeing of children and young people are invaluable for society. 

Donated assets enable us to promote educational sciences of the future and support students with grants. The latest initiatives in educational sciences made possible by donated assets include the establishment of Swedish-language class teacher education, complete with a professorship, as well as the post of an assistant professor in technology education. 

The dis­cip­line-spe­cific fund for edu­ca­tional sciences in a nut­shell

The discipline-specific fund for educational sciences was established in the spring of 2018. The administrative committee of the funds of the University of Helsinki’s City Centre Campus ("keskusta 2": educational and social sciences, law and theology) serves as its administrative committee.

Fund for food culture

The purpose of the fund is to support the establishment of an endowed professorship in food culture and related scientific research at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Educational Sciences. The assets in the fund are based on donations from dozens of organisations and individuals.

Support world-class research – donate to the humanities

The Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki rates among the top one per cent of faculties of arts worldwide. Every year, hundreds of well-versed BA, MA and PhD graduates strive to create a more humane world in their duties as experts, decision-makers, teachers, developers and researchers in different sectors of society. The Faculty of Arts is a sought-after partner for cooperation that benefits both parties.

Donated assets are of great importance to the Faculty’s activities. They enable the Faculty to initiate innovative projects while also focusing on traditional disciplines. The Faculty’s six endowed professorships are excellent examples of the wide impact that donations can have on spreading humanist values in society and around the world. The endowed professorships focus on the US, Russia, business history, indigenous people, non-fiction writing and marine archaeology in both Finland and other countries.

The funds for arts annually support dozens of students and researchers in their scholarly efforts. Read more about the funds and become a donor!

The Fund for Arts in a Nut­shell

The Fund for Arts supports research, teaching and studies in Arts at the University of Helsinki. This area of research is also supported by several independent funds.

37 named funds, the oldest one from 1779. 

Capital (2015): EUR 2,042,000

Administrative Committee: Vice Dean Mikko Saikku, Vice Dean Anna-Maija Pirttilä-Backman, Professor Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen and student Toivo Laitinen.

Support a strong player that answers the needs of society, business and industry – donate to legal sciences

The legal research conducted at the University of Helsinki and the teaching based on it create and maintain a fair and just society and the rule of law both nationally and internationally. The Faculty aims to further strengthen its role as an academic expert and to link the discipline even more closely with social decision-making and business and industry.

Donated assets make it possible to address, explore and provide teaching in the new needs and legal challenges of society. Donations boost world-class research and multidisciplinarity and help pave the way for new experts in emerging fields.

The Fund for Law in a Nut­shell

The Fund for Law supports research, teaching and studies in Law at the University of Helsinki. This area of research is also supported by six independent funds; Edward Andersson Fund, Helsinki China Law Fund, Aili and Brynolf Honkasalo Fund, Nordea Vesa Vainio Fund, Chancellor Antti Tulenheimo Fund and Seija-Riitta and Jyrki Vihma Fund.

14 named funds, the oldest one from 1862.

Capital (2015): EUR 738,000

Administrative Committee: University Lecturer Ari Hirvonen, Professor Pia Letto-Vanamo and student Juuso Mankonen

Support multidisciplinary research and teaching in health and wellbeing – donate to medicine, psychology and logopedics

One of Europe’s best and oldest faculties of medicine is located in Helsinki. The Faculty also ranks among the world’s top 100. The research conducted and education provided on Meilahti Campus, as well as the treatment based on these, help identify solutions to global questions of health and wellbeing in the fields of medicine, dentistry, psychology and logopedics.

Among other things, we strive to solve the mystery of cancer, increase our understanding of the brain and its wellbeing, gain insight into the various dimensions of human metabolism and find cures to inflammatory disorders, an example of which is the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to physicians and dentists, the Faculty educates licensed psychologists and speech therapists. We also train psychotherapists.

We strive to further strengthen our fields of research, make inroads into new fields, as well as develop and apply research-based treatment. Donated assets enable us to recruit top experts in their fields, develop learning environments and the competence of young professionals, as well as support research and new talent in different fields. Donated assets are also used to fully or partly fund the work of a considerable number of the Faculty’s professors, and the assets also enable us to annually offer tens of thousands of scholarships and grants to researchers and students.

Effective collaboration will help find answers to big, common questions. Read more about ways to donate to and support research, teaching and studies in medicine, dentistry, logopedics and psychology. Thank you for contributing!

The Fund for Medicine in a Nut­shell

The Fund for Medicine supports research, teaching and studies in Medicine at the University of Helsinki. This area of research is also supported by four independent funds; Ensio Hyvärinen Fund, Yrjö and Tuulikki Ilvonen Fund, Pehr Oscar Klingendahl Fund and K.S. Laurila Fund. Almost 30 named funds, the oldest from 1783.

Capital (2017): EUR 2,700,000

Administrative Committee: Professor Eero Mervaala, Associate Professor Liisa Kauppi and student Milla Mukka.

Donate to the natural sciences and secure the foundation for vital competence

The Faculty of Science conducts research in pure mathematics and a number of core questions within the natural sciences. To exert a global impact, applications must be built on a strong scientific basis.

The Faculty focuses on the provision of skills needed in the future. It has established Finland’s first professorship in science education and continues to develop new, open modes of education on topical themes, such as artificial intelligence and climate research.

Donated assets enable experimentation, the establishment of new fields of research and the development of teaching. Donated assets have recently been used to support research in machine learning, as well as students of mathematics and research infrastructure for atmospheric sciences.

The Fund for Mathematics and Natural Sciences in a Nut­shell

The fund supports research, teaching and studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Helsinki. 23 named funds, the oldest one from 1892.

Capital (2015): EUR 514,000

Administrative Committee: Dean Jouko Väänänen, Professor Kari Rummukainen and student Hertta Lehvävirta 

Help set up the world’s first professorship in sustainable pharmacy – donate to pharmacy

Research knowledge helps us generate solutions to global problems and support societies in carrying out the sustainable changes required. Future forecasting and solutions require a broader and more comprehensive knowledge capital from the experts involved in development.

The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Helsinki aims to establish the world’s first professorship in sustainable pharmacy. The professorship will help the University community provide companies and employers with experts in pharmacy and medicines, who will have the opportunity to change practices in the sector and make them more environmentally oriented.

Help us establish this endowed professorship to raise awareness in Finland and worldwide of the pharmaceutical sector and the opportunities offered by it in the field of sustainability.

The Fund for Pharmacy in a Nut­shell

The Fund supports research, teaching and studies in Pharmacy at the University of Helsinki. This area of research is also supported by the Yliopiston Apteekki Fund.

4 named funds: Research Fund in Apothecary Services, Lars Grenman Fund, Odo and Ernst Sundvik Fund and Jouko Yliruusi Fund.

Capital (2015): EUR 70,000

Administrative Committee: Dean Jouni Hirvonen, Professor Raimo Tuominen and student Andre Söderman

Understanding religion helps us understand the world – donate to research in theology 

Broad awareness of religion in society gives us a better understanding of the world. The Faculty of Theology contributes to putting social debate on religion on a more stable foundation and enables the provision of possible solutions to conflicts. ​The Faculty provides diverse education for experts in theology to meet society’s needs.  

Donated assets enable future-oriented research in theology and the provision of grants to support students. The latest initiatives enabled by donated assets include places for visiting researchers in the Faculty’s Religion, Conflict and Dialogue Research Centre.

The Fund for Theo­logy in a Nut­shell

The Fund for Theology supports research, teaching and studies in Theology at the University of Helsinki. 9 named funds, the oldest one from 1876.

Capital (2015): EUR 504,000

Administrative Committee: Dean Ismo Dunderberg, University Teacher Outi Kaltio and student Antti Pollari

The Faculty of Social Sciences studies social phenomena and educates critical thinkers. For more than 75 years, the Faculty’s international, world-class research has made a major impact on Finnish society, both now and in the future.

Donated assets are extremely important to the Faculty. They enable research and education in the phenomena of a changing world even before their impact is really felt. The Helsinki Graduate School of Economics, disability research and practically oriented teaching in communication have recently received considerable support from donated assets.

The dis­cip­line-spe­cific fund for so­cial sciences in a nut­shell

Social science funds promote studies in social sciences at the University of Helsinki. The discipline-specific fund for social sciences includes several named funds.

Capital (2018): information to be released in summer 2018. Administrative committee: a new administrative committee was appointed in spring 2018.

Support research and teaching in veterinary medicine and treatment based on them

Helsinki is home to Finland’s only Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, which, in turn, houses Finland’s only Veterinary Teaching Hospital for all species. The Veterinary Teaching Hospital applies the latest research, and all veterinarians who graduate in Finland complete their training in clinical work at the Hospital. Research knowledge is also applied in continuing and specialisation education for veterinarians.

World-class research in veterinary medicine helps humans as well as animals. Humans and animals have many diseases in common. Among other things, we study diseases transmitted from animals to humans, such as the coronavirus. We also face the joint challenge of bacteria becoming immune to known medicines: antibiotic resistance is expected to become a threat more serious than cancer in the next few decades. We want to be a world leader in questions concerning the common health of animals and humans (One Health).

The Faculty has four endowed professorships whose efforts play a big role in research and teaching and in treatment based on them. Donated assets also enable us to annually award grants and scholarships to researchers and students of veterinary medicine. We wish to send our most sincere thank you to all our donors! You can contribute to supporting world-class research and research opportunities for young researchers, as well as students and the application of research knowledge in the treatment of animal patients.

The Fund for Veterinary Medicine supports research, teaching and studies in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Helsinki. This area of research is also supported by five independent funds; Eläinlääketieteellisen anestesiologian ja kivunhoidon professuurirahasto, Fonden för svenskspråkig professur i husdjurens allmänna hälsovård, Canine Health Fund, Thelma Mäkikyrö Fund and Walter Ehrström Fund.

The Fund in a Nut­shell

3 named funds: Research Fund for Animal Acupuncture, Manege for the Horse Hospital Fund and Margareta and Uuno Aukusti Toivonen Fund.

Capital (2015): EUR 170,000

Administrative Committee: Professor Olli Peltoniemi, Vice Dean Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa and student Christa Hämäläinen

Support our students

The City of Helsinki and the University of Helsinki are promoting entrepreneurship in cooperation through Helsinki Think Company.

Think Company is a meeting place for a new kind of academic entrepreneurship which turns the University’s scholarly knowledge into business ideas and companies.

In addition to the University’s Think Corner on the City Centre Campus, Think Company also has locations on the Viikki Campus as well as in the Biomedicum building in Meilahti.

Your dona­tion sup­ports the cre­ation of a culture of en­tre­pren­eur­ship

Helsinki Think Company is a meeting place and space for developing and sharing know-how. Its work is funded by the Helsinki Think Company fund, through which friends of the University, alumni and partners can join in to help instil and nurture an entrepreneurial mode of thinking among students and researchers. Donations to the fund are used in full to support academic entrepreneurship.

All donations to the Helsinki Think Company fund help further its purpose. They help the Helsinki Think Company provide its open space and organise content and events that promote entrepreneurship.

The Jubilee Fund supports the University of Helsinki’s research, teaching and students, particularly in their international activities. The Jubilee Fund comprises several funds that provide grants for a variety of purposes. Most of the funds in the Jubilee Fund are given to students and researchers in the form of travel grants and scholarships that support internationalisation.

The Alumni fund supports research, teaching and studies at the University of Helsinki by giving out scholarships to students from different faculties. The fund consist also of several independent funds.

The Alumni Fund in a Nut­shell

6 named funds, the oldest one from 2005.

Capital and administrative committee (2017): €736,000; Master of Laws Juha Korppi-Tommola (chair), Licentiate of Laws Heidi Andersson, Professor Markku Löytönen, Professor Jari Niemelä, Executive Manager Katariina Styrman and Executive Director Pia Österman.

The Alumni Fund comprises several named funds, the oldest of which was established in 2005.

Support libraries and museums

An increasing number of Finns live in cities. At the same time, nature is becoming a mysterious, even frightening, thing in our minds. The research and exhibitions of the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus increase the awareness of nature and help Finns maintain their vital connection to it. This work is impossible without financial resources.