FAIR Nordic EPOS Data Hub

Nordic EPOS - A FAIR Nordic EPOS Data Hub- is a project funded through NordForsk's Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs (2020-2022).

The consortium parties are Nordic geophysical observatories from Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Greenland, Norway and Sweden. Partner organizations operate National Research Infrastructures (NRI) that deliver data to EPOS Thematic Core Services (TCS) and/or are partners in TCS consortiums.


Nordic EPOS Data Hub aims to enhance and stimulate the ongoing active Nordic interactions related to Solid Earth RI in general and EPOS in particular. We share common Nordic perspectives and we believe that together we have unique competences, which can contribute to addressing global challenges in Norden and with Nordic data. We strive to develop expertise and tools designed to respond to challenges that are specific for the Nordic environment.

Nordic EPOS Data Hub has ten main objectives that intend to increase the awareness and the usage of Nordic EPOS data, data products, software and service, to increase the amount of Open Access data and cross-border usage of portable instruments and support the building of expertise in data and methods needed for safe and sustainable societies.

Ten main objectives:

  1. Unifying Nordic observatory practice to meet the EPOS quality standards
  2. Training of Nordic RI operators in FAIR principles and in EPOS data and metadata standards
  3. Promoting Open Access by expanding open data sets
  4. Formation of Nordic hubs for data delivery to EPOS TCSs
  5. Organizing a Nordic instrumentation pool and brokerage tool
  6. Education of Nordic scientiest and student in EPOS data and metadata standards
  7. Advancing scientific and sicietal expertise in safe and sustainable Arctic
  8. Advancing Nordic interest in EPOS governance and science policy
  9. Increase the usage of EPOS data in academia, governmental agencies, municipalities, general public
  10. Supporting mobility for sharing knowledge in NRI operations

The Nodic EPOS Data hub has six main infrastructure tasks (I-VI) and one transversal task (VII) on communication and dissemination.  

Main tasks: 

  1.  Training in usage of EPOS-RI data and services

  2. Nordic data intergration and FAIRness

  3. Nordic station management of seismological networks

  4. Induced seismicity, safe society

  5. Ash and gas monitoring

  6. Geomagnetic hazards

  7. Communication and dissemination.

Activities within the tasks are e.g. workshops, tutorials, demos and training sessions (virtual and on-site) communication and dissemination of EPOS data and metadata at local, national and international workshops, meetings, and conferences. Many of the task are addressing several objectives of the hub. 


Nordic EPOS activities are workshops, tutorials, demonstrations and actual and virtual training sessions.

Information on upcoming and past Nordic EPOS activities can be found from here.

In addition, Nordic EPOS activities are advertised via EPOS and national RI websites and also communicated and disseminated in public lectures, seminars and short articles in expert journals. Most activities take place at or back-to-back with local, national and international conferences, meetings, workshops or seminar series.


Upcoming Nordic EPOS events


The Nordic EPOS Hub is a consortium of geophysical institutions from Nordic universities and surveys that are members of the national EPOS consortia. The partner institutions operate national RIs that deliver data to EPOS TCSs and/or are partners in TCS consortiums.

The Nordic EPOS Hub consortium comprises the Universities of Helsinki (UH), Bergen (UiB), Uppsala (UU), Oulu (UOULU) and Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO).



Expected results:

  • Increased awareness of the FAIR principles in the geoscientific community
  • A significant increase in trained RI and research personnel 
  • in EPOS data and metadata standards required for opening data for Open Access 
  • The opening of Nordic EPOS seismic data hub 
  • A Nordic EIDA nodes in seismology 
  • The opening of Nordic mobile instrument pool 
  • Unification the observatory practices by following EPOS quality standards of the observatory data. 
  • More Open Access data, data products and software will available and more useable for scientists in Nordic countries, Europe and globally. 
  • Increased Open Access publishing of Nordic EPOS data sets.