FIMM Genomics Genotyping sample delivery

Make sure you contact core before sending your samples.
Illumina arrays


  • Signed FIMM service agreement for projects coming outside University of Helsinki.
  • Copy of ethical permit if your project requires permit by law.
  • Completely filled Genotyping Sample Submission Form uploaded via iLab.


  • DNA concentration measured with PicoGreen, Qubit dsDNA assay or other similar method in addition to for example NanoDrop spectrometer.
  • Concentration 50 ng / µl in 1 x TE (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0).
  • 15 µl or more. For Methylation Array 20 µl.
  • Samples on skirted / semi-skirted plate.
  • ID/ Cons. / Date on the front side of the plate.
  • Plate name should be same as in iLab service request.
  • One duplicate / 96 well-plate in < 500 sample projects is recommended.
  • > 500 sample projects number of duplicates can be reduced.
  • Samples delivered to SeqLab fridge/ freezer, Biomedicum 2 info or by mail / courier.

Service includes

  • Sample processing according to lllumina protocols.
  • Initial quality assessment of array runs.
  • Data analysis using GenomeStudio™ software.
  • Further quality assessment of genotypes.
  • Results sent via Funet FileSender a person who made the request in iLab (and in addition to someone mentioned in the comment section in iLab service request).
Cell Line Authentication


  • Completely Filled Cell Line Submission Form uploaded via iLab.


  • 6 µl of good quality DNA in concentration of 5 ng / µl in nuclease-free water.

Service includes

  • Promega GenePrint 24 system multiplex PCR.
  • Electrophoresis with ABI3730xl DNA Analyzer.
  • Initial electrophoresis run quality assessment.
  • Data analysis and allele call using GeneMapper™ software.
  • Results sent via Funet FileSender to a person(s) stated in iLab Sample Submission Form
Sample delivery

You can deliver samples to the SeqLab sample fridge /freezer (lowest shelf)

locating in Biomedicum 2U, 2nd floor, F-wing, room F216 

or drop them off at the Biomedicum 2U info desk.

You can also send samples by mail or courier service using address

FIMM / Technology Centre

Genotyping lab

Biomedicum 2U, 2nd floor, F-wing

Tukholmankatu 8

00290 Helsinki

Shipping instructions
  • DNA samples can be shipped at room temperature without compromising results if the samples are free of contaminants and the duration of transport is not long.
  • Seal the plates securely using an adhesive seal, heat-sealed lid, or strip caps.
  • Use adhesive seals only for plates you bring or shipments at room temperature using ground mail. Make sure to attach the seals properly to each well by rubbing the surface with lab wipe.
  • Use secondary containment (e.g. cardboard freezer box) when using dry ice as plates may crack when placed directly on dry ice. Ensure there is enough dry ice at the top, bottom, and sides of container.
  • Use adequate padding (e.g. cardboard, paper, wadding, plastic, bubble wrap) for packing so that plates are not jostling and seals are protected from punctures and opening to prevent accidental spillage and cross contamination during shipment.
  • Please avoid shipping on Thursdays and Fridays to avoid the samples arriving over the weekend.

Shipping address

FIMM / Technology Centre

Genotyping lab

Biomedicum 2U, 2nd floor, F-wing

Tukholmankatu 8

00290 Helsinki