On-site lectures 09. - 10.2.2023 + demos 13. - 17.2.2023
Registration: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/121818/lomake.html AND https://studies.helsinki.fi/courses/cur/hy-opt-cur-2223-c1a91580-6159-4…
If you want to earn credits, please register in elomake AND Sisu
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course the students should be able to
- explain the basic principles of light microscopy and microscopic image acquisition
- understand the most important steps of sample preparation for microscopy
- compare and contrast transmitted light and fluorescence methods
- compare and contrast widefield and optical sectioning microscopy methods
- know some basic and advanced research applications for the microscopy methods covered
- evaluate the suitability of covered microscopy methods for different research applications
2 ECTS for completing the course (2 lecture days, 3 demos, home assignment)
Course Contents:
Lectures (everybody welcome)
Lecture Hall 1 (Biomedicum)
9:30-11:00 Introduction to light microscopy and image acquisition
11:15-12:00 Confocal microscopy
12:00-12:30 Scaling up your imaging (speed, resolution and throughput)
Seminar Room 1-2 (Biomedicum)
14:00-14:45 Lightsheet microscopy and sample clearing
15:00-15:45 Multiphoton, intravital, and label-free imaging
Lecture Hall 2 (Biomedicum)
16:00-16:45 Fluorescence Lifetime imaging and FRET
For course participants:
Optics interactive lecture in smaller groups (2h each)
13. - 17.2.2023
Demos (3x 2-3h)
Students should choose one of the options from each demo from the followings:
Demo 1:
- Widefield brightfield and fluorescence (basic)
- Widefield imaging of pre-set points, mosaic (tile) images, autofocus and focus maps
- 3D widefield imaging with “optical clearing”
- Automated widefield imaging of well plates/slides with the Pico
Demo 2:
- Scanning confocal microscopy (basic)
- Improving confocal resolution by Lightning
- Improving confocal resolution by Airyscan
Demo 3:
- Widefield imaging of pre-set points, mosaic (tile) images, autofocus and focus maps
- 3D widefield imaging with “optical clearing”
- Automated widefield imaging of well plates/slides with the Pico
- Improving confocal resolution by Lightning
- Improving confocal resolution by Airyscan
- Digital light sheet for smaller samples (for example organoids, zebrafish, drosophila embryos)
- Light sheet for solvent-cleared bigger samples (for example mouse organs like brain, kidney, lung)
- Intravital microscopy of skin vasculature