Call4Help Series- Bioimage Analysis

Next Event: Thursday 30th of January 2025 from 10:00-11:00

Got stuck with your image analysis?
Want to get advice on your workflow?
Haven’t started imaging yet and want to discuss how to acquire the necessary data?

Come and get advice and suggestions for your imaging and image analysis workflow!
All you need to do is join our meeting with your images/ideas. Ideally, prepare a single PowerPoint slide with your images and your question and have your raw data available if needed.
The imaging scope can vary from light to electron microscopy, fixed to live-cell imaging, single-cell to high-content/high-throughput, and tissue imaging data.

We are excited to see you!

Thursday 30th of January 2024 from 10:00-11:00

Place: Remote

Registration link: 

Registration deadline: Monday 27.01.2025


Upcoming events:

30.1.2025, 27.2.2025, 27.3.2025, 24.4.2025, 29.5.2025

Past events:

25.3.2021, 6.5.2021, 10.6.2021, 26.8.2021, 30.9.2021, 28.10.2021, 25.11.2021

5.5.2022, 2.6.2022, 25.8.2022, 29.9.2022, 24.11.2022

26.1.2023, 23.2.2023, 30.3.2023, 27.4.2023, 25.5.2023, 31.8.2023, 26.10.2023, 30.11.2023

25.1.2024, 29.2.2024, 28.3.2024, 25.4.2024, 39.5.2024, 26.9.2024, 31.10.2024, 28.11.2024