High-Content Screening Symposium 21.10.2019

High-Content Screening Symposium 21.10.2019 at Biomedicum 1, Helsinki, Finland

Symposium is open and free to all interested researchers and students. The symposium is part of DPBM High-Content Screening course which also includes Special seminars by Cornelia Steinhauer (University of Copenhagen) on Tue 22.10 and Pekka Ruusuvuori (Tampere University) on Wed 23.10 as well as practical sessions during 22-23.10. Students can register to the course at: https://courses.helsinki.fi/en/dpbm-112/129131498

Session 1 (Biomedicum, sh.1-2):

09.30-10.00 Coffee

10.00-10.45 Carolina Wählby, Uppsala University: In situ sequencing & tissue morphology; from image to compartments and cells

10.45-11.30 Juan Caicedo, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard: Image-based profiling using deep learning

Session 2 (Biomedicum Lecture Hall 1, Biomedicum Helsinki Seminar):

12.00-13.00 Berend Snijder, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich: Multiplexed image-based screening of patient tissues for systems immunology and oncology

13.00-14.00 Lunch break (possibility for student lunch discussion with Berend Snijder)

Session 3 (Biomedicum, sh.1-2)

14.00-14.30 Simon Pfisterer, University of Helsinki: Heterogeneity of LDL uptake responses in individual hypercholesterolemia patients

14.30-14.50 Kevin Jones, Corning: 3D Cell Culture in Drug Discovery

14.50-15.10 Break

15.10-15.40 Reetta Riikonen, Orion Pharma: High content imaging in drug discovery

15.40-16.30 Jani Saarela & Antti Hassinen, FIMM HTB & HCA units: High-content drug testing at FIMM