ACTRIS National Facilities consist of observational and exploratory platforms. Observational platforms are fixed ground-based stations that deliver long-term data based on a regular measurement schedule and common operation standards. Exploratory platforms are atmospheric simulation chambers, laboratory platforms and mobile platforms that perform dedicated experiments and contribute data on atmospheric constituents, processes, events or regions.
ACTRIS Central Facilities are the key operative entities of the Research Infrastructure, providing operation support to the National Facilities, and services to the ACTRIS users. Topical Centers are organised around the main scientific themes of ACTRIS: aerosol, clouds, and reactive trace gases, each with a particular focus on either remote sensing (from the ground) or in situ (near surface) measurement techniques.
Finland has 14 National Facilities fulfilling ACTRIS standards and contributes to five ACTRIS Central Facilities. The leadership of ACTRIS is in Finland; the statutory seat of ACTRIS ERIC (est. April 2023) and ACTRIS Head Office is located in Helsinki (with a Unit also in Italy). University of Helsinki leads a unit in Centre for Aerosol In Situ Measurements and a unit in Centre for Reactive Trace Gases In Situ Measurements. Finnish Meteorological Institute leads a unit in Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing and a unit in ACTRIS Data Centre.
UH = University of Helsinki, FMI = Finnish Meteorological Institute, UEF = University of Eastern Finland
UH = University of Helsinki, FMI = Finnish Meteorological Institute, UEF = University of Eastern Finland, TAU = Tampere University