ACTRIS Finland

ACTRIS Finland (ACTRIS-FI) is the Finnish component of the Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Reseach Infractructure (ACTRIS). ACTRIS is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure aiming to secure long-term atmospheric research done at the European level. ACTRIS supports the society in responding global challenges such as poor air quality and climate change. ACTRIS consists of extensive distributed network of National Facilities (measurement stations and platforms) and European level Central Facilities (Head Office, Data Centre and six Topical Centres). ACTRIS offers in a centralized way free open access to high quality long-term atmospheric data, research possibilities, calibration services, instrument development and training to e.g., researchers, private companies and public sector actors incl. policymakers.    

Research performing organizations of ACTRIS Finland are University of Helsinki, Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University. ACTRIS Finland belongs to the Finnish Research Infrastructure roadmap 2021-2024 as a major part of INAR RI (Integrated Atmospheric and Earth System Research Infrastructure). ACTRIS Finland has several high-quality observational sites and exploratory platforms operating at the national level from the Baltic Sea to Finnish Arctic, as well an observation site overseas in Antarctica. ACTRIS Finland National Facilities are currently used by over 30 international research projects and they host over 3200 research visitor days annually. ACTRIS Finland contributes also significantly to the operation of ACTRIS Central Facilities by hosting several Central Facility Units.The operation and development of ACTRIS Finland are finances by the four research performing organizations, Academy of Finland and Ministry of Transport and Communications. 

ACTRIS Finland is an important part of the pan-European ACTRIS and Finland has a leading role in coordinating the whole research infrastructure. ACTRIS ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) was established in April 2023 as its own legal entity, with Head Office located in Helsinki, Finland. ACTRIS ERIC Head Office coordinates ACTRIS operations and enables ACTRIS services. In the future ACTRIS ERIC will be a key organization offering information to support the developments in climate change, air quality and health research. ACTRIS ERIC is a non-profit organization which operations are funded by its member and observer countries (currently 17 countries).




The funding from ACTRIS-Finland host organizations University of Helsinki (UH), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and Tampere University (TAU) to support ACTRIS activities is acknowledged. The ACTRIS-FI projects funded by Research Council of Finland for the ACTRIS-FI National Facilities and ACTRIS Topical Centre Units of University of Helsinki are acknowledged: INAR RI/ ACTRIS-FI 2020-2024 grant no. 328616 (UH), 328617 (UEF) and 328823 (TAU); ACTRIS Central Facilities 2020-2024 grant no. 329274 (UH); and INAR RI 2022-2025 grant no. 345510 (UH), 345527 (UEF) and 345528 (TAU). The funding from the Ministry of Transport and Communications is acknowledged (FMI ACTRIS activities). The ACCC (Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center) Flagship funding by the Research Council of Finland (grant no. 337549 (UH), 337552 (FMI), 337550 (UEF) and 337551 (TAU)) and Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation funding are acknowledged. EU funding supporting ACTRIS activities and implementation are also acknowledged: ACTRIS IMP (grant no. 871115), ATMO-ACCESS (grant no. 101008004) and RI-URBANS (grant no. 101036245).