Single Cell Course week 2022

Single cell course week will be held again in October 2022. In this course week you will learn how to prepare single cell RNAseq libraries with 10XGenomics Chromium, how to analyze the data (R/command line tools or Chipster/Seurat), and enjoy the state of the art talks in the symposium.

Image: Romika Kumari : AML single cell analytics data

Programme overview

MON-TUE  Oct 3rd-4th Single cell RNAseq workshop (DPBM-120)


3rd-4th October 9:00-11:00


Monday 3rd October, Biomedicum Helsinki, Seminar room 1-2

9.00 – 9.45 Pirkko Mattila (FIMM TC): Introduction to single cell omics

15 min break

10.00 – 10.45 Jenni Lahtela (FIMM TC): Overview of 10x Chromium system


Tuesday 4th October, Biomedicum Helsinki, Lecture hall 3

9.00 – 9.45: Pekka Ellonen (Illumina): Basics to NGS - Illumina platform (preliminary confirmation)

15 min break

10.00 – 10.30:  Adam Jerauld (10XGenomics) : Overview of single cell RNAseq data analysis workflow (10X pipelines)

10.30 – 11.00: Matias Marin Falco and Anna Pirttikoski (Anna Vähärautio´s group): Approches for scRNA-seq data analysis in cancer research


Wet-lab workshops

3rd-4th October 12:00-16:00 at Biomedicum 2 (FIMM, P-floor Room GP13a)

Wet-lab workshop for 10x Chromium Single Cell 3' Gene Expression workflow.


WED Oct 5th Single Cell Transcriptomics Symposium (DPBM-161), Biomedicum Helsinki, Lecture hall 2

Speakers: Martin Enge (Karolinska Institutet), Laura Elo (Univ. of Turku), Naveed Ishaque (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Kim Thrane (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Andrew Erickson (UH), Biswajyoti Sahu (Univ. of Oslo & UH), Akira Takeda (Univ. of Turku), Eliisa Kekäläinen (UH) and Caroline Heckman (FIMM). The schedule and talk titles can be found here.


THU 6th Oct Single cell RNA-seq data analysis using R (CSC, Espoo, advanced course, knowledge of R required). 

For more information and registration, follow this link: CSC/R  


FRI 7th Oct Single cell RNA-seq data analysis using Chipster (CSC, Espoo, no R knowledge needed).

For more information and registration, follow this link: CSC/Chipster  


Organizers and teachers: Doctoral Program in Biomedicine (DPBM), Pirkko Mattila, Jenni Lahtela, Anna Vähärautio, Eija Korpelainen, Maria Lehtivaara, Bishwa Ghimire, Caroline Heckman, Eliisa Kekäläinen, Laura Langhor