DECARBON-HOME research consortium is happy to invite you to follow an online keynote “The Trajectories of a Life” by Ted Schatzki, professor of geography, sociology and philosophy, on Wednesday 29.9 at 15.00-16.00.
Schatzki’s research interests lie in theorizing social life, and he is widely associated with a stream of thought called practice theory that is active today in a range of social disciplines, including geography, sociology, organizational studies, education, anthropology, international relations, and history. He is the author of five books: Social Practices (1996), The Site of the Social (2002), Martin Heidegger: Theorist of Space (2007), The Timespace of Human Activity (2010), and Social Change in a Material WorlCopyd (2019)
Read more about his work here.
Ted Schatzki is one of the Scientific Advisory Board members of the DECARBON-HOME consortium.
Decarbon-Home provides research excellence in the intertwined and ongoing climate-related and social challenges which necessitate a major transition in the Finnish housing system. In the project, we analyze the housing system challenges from environmental, technical and social science silos to form a comprehensive understanding and create novel, human-centred solutions to climate-wise housing, especially via renovations.