Housing, especially for poor and working-class households is often inadequate, overcrowded, and unaffordable. Experiences of housing displacement and outright evictions are common. Rather than secure personal places that allow households to become embedded in communities and rooted in neighbourhoods, housing is a source of anxiety, uncertainty and precarity for many urban dwellers. Major societal crisis, such as financial crisis, the pandemic, and climate crisis made these experiences more visible and prominent in the scholarly and policy agenda; however, the history of housing crisis especially in the big cities has a long durée. In these panels we will discuss and highlight the longevity of housing crisis by focusing on social housing practices and alternatives in Europe.
This event includes two seminar sessions that present topical research results on social housing as well as multidisciplinary panel discussions. These sessions present scientific knowledge in an accessible form and invite experts from other sectors to learn new perspectives and join the discussion.
Register here: https://socialhousingfestival.eu/registration/
Housing policy failures and tenant voices: Evidence from Europe part 1
Morning 9.00-11.00
- Research Director Essi Eerola (Institute for Economic Research): Social housing in Finland: problems and potential solutions
- Professor Miguel A. Martinez (University of Uppsala): Grassroots Struggles for Housing in Spain: Historical Overview and Current Conflicts
- Doctoral Student Daisy Charlesworth (University of Lund): Housing Co-operatives and Contradictions in Finnish Land and Housing Policies
- Senior Researcher Hanna Kettunen (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare): Regulation of private renting in Europe
- Doctoral Student Jutta Juvenius (University of Helsinki): Social housing and its justification in Finland today
Panel host: Postdoctoral researcher Mika Hyötyläinen (Uppsala University)
Housing policy failures and tenant voices: Evidence from Europe part 2
Afternoon 13.00-15.00
- Professor Hannu Ruonavaara (University of Turku): The dwindling of the social housing sector in Finland
- Senior Researcher Jarkko Rasinkangas (University of Turku): Social housing as anti-segregation measure
- Doctoral Student Anton Ösgard (University of Uppsala): Civil society organising for housing in Sweden - Then and now
- Doctoral Student Elina Sutela (University of Turku): The role of municipalities in promoting housing affordability: An analysis of Helsinki, Tampere and Turku
Panel host: University researcher Özlem Celik (University of Helsinki)
Location: Think Corner, University of Helsinki, Yliopistokatu 4, 00100 Helsinki