Helsinki Capital Region Research Collaboration: Research funding for Impact Assessment Research for the years 2024-2028

The City of Helsinki, the City of Espoo, the City of Vantaa and the University of Helsinki and Aalto University have agreed to implement a scientific cooperation for the development of the Helsinki Capital Region in 2024-2028.

Research grants can be awarded for research projects of a maximum duration of two (2) years, carried out at the University of Helsinki or Aalto University and focusing on cities in the Helsinki Capital Region. The total amount of funding available each year is approximately EUR 400 000, which can be used to fund 2-4 projects. Funding is now available for the period 2025-2027, as described below. Funding decisions are made for one year at a time. The project may have a funding reserve of up to two years (24 months). 

As described in the agreement, the funding will be available for research that studies the impact of different city policies or activities or is strongly related to and influences the activities of cities. The methodological focus of funded projects should be quantitative empirical evaluation research, causal research, studies in a randomized experimental setting, or modelling and simulation of the impact of future policies and policy options. Research using predominantly qualitative methods will not be funded, but qualitative research may be a complementary part of the research. For the period 2025-2027, a research project can be funded on one of the themes listed at the end of these instructions (see the end of the document).

To apply for research funding, the first step is to complete an initial two-page Research Idea Form, in which you will briefly outline your main ideas for the objectives and implementation of the research. The actual longer research plan will be requested at a later stage from those projects that are to be submitted for funding. The cities are particularly interested in supporting new and experimental research approaches. In addition, the cities’ wish is that that research projects will use different types of numerical data that cities produce in their own activities.

For further information,
Jari Järvenpää, Secretary General / Helsinki Capital Region Science Collaboration
p. 040 355 7304