Call for Institute of Urban and Regional Studies - Urbaria Membership and Affiliation

In October 2018, Urbaria launched the first call for Urbaria Community - the expression of interest. Now the community researchers are welcome to apply for official membership and affiliation.

The first call reached experts widely in different faculties, for example, the Faculties of Science, Arts, Social Sciences, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry Sciences and Law. Furthermore, researchers from various research units such as Ruralia Institute, HELSUS, INAR, Aleksanteri Institute and Swedish School of Social Sciences answered the call. As a result, more than 130 researchers from various backgrounds expressed their interest to join, and we received valuable data about interdisciplinary urban research within the University of Helsinki.

In December 2018, Urbaria Community researchers gathered together at a kick-off workshop to recognize and communicate their needs, hopes and visions towards the Institute. As a major outcome, it was identified that the researchers are looking for an interactive community and possibilities to develop multidisciplinary research and build new networks. Urbaria Team wants to thank all the researcher about this valuable work.  Now it is time to get organized and get you involved!

Why apply for Urbaria Membership?

As an Urbaria member you will:

  • gain a double affiliation (e.g. Institute of Urban and Regional Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • get access to Urban Academy network, activities and projects (joint with Aalto University and cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa)
  • establish new contacts both nationally and internationally
  • be part of the planning and organizing joint activities, seminars and events (e.g. Presidency of the Council of the EU conference 2019 in Urban Studies and Planning)
  • get support, training and materials for communications and media relations
  • receive Urbaria newsletters and information about upcoming activities
  • have the possibility to teach in the Master’s Programme of Urban Studies and Planning
  • gain access to possible Urbaria research funding (Urbaria is taking part of joint Urban Finland initiative by the University of Helsinki and Aalto University to form a shared multi-disciplinary ecosystem in urban research, education and innovations).

How to apply?

All Urbaria members are invited to participate and contribute to the community according to their own interests. Members are directed to choose from the following opportunities:

  1. Organizing seminars and events (first team meeting 25.2.2019 12.00 in Urbarium)
  2. Creating content to Urbaria blog (first team meeting 26.2.2019 12.00 in Urbarium)
  3. Teaching and/or supervising master’s thesis in the Master’s Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (first team meeting 4.3.2019 10.00 in Urbarium)
  4. Receiving news and participating in events

The next Urbaria Community Event for all members will be held on Wednesday 27.2.2019 15-18 in Urbarium, Porthania.

Urbaria membership is open for all researchers with a doctoral degree and doctoral students affiliated to the University of Helsinki. The research of Urbaria focuses on urban and regional studies. Urbaria Community members have plans for future research directions towards urban and regional studies as well as shown evidence of past and ongoing research (published in peer-review articles).

The application form can be found online here.

HELSUS Professors and Members

All HELSUS Professors and Members are warmly welcome to join Urbaria. If you have already applied and received the HELSUS KATI membership, you will automatically receive Urbaria membership. Other HELSUS members and professors are supposed to apply for Urbaria membership separately.

The Urbaria Membership applications will be evaluated four to six times a year by the Urbaria board with representatives from the Faculties of Science, Social Science, Arts and Humanities, and Biological and Environmental Sciences. The application form will be continuously open and available online. Please apply for the first round of Urbaria Membership by filling this form by Friday 10.2.2019.

If you are not part of the Urbaria email list yet, please join through, or ask to add you on the list. For more information please contact Urbaria Director Mari Vaattovaara ( or Urbaria Coordinator Iiris Koivulehto (


Urban Academy:

USP Master’s Programme: