People in the institute

From this page you can find the people working at Urbaria and their contact information. Don't hesitate to contact us!
Institute Management

Mari Vaattovaara is a Professor of Urban Geography at the University of Helsinki and Director of the Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies. Her research interests relate to the social and spatial developments in urban areas, segregation, immigration, housing preferences, and housing choice as well as to the housing policy. In addition, she has been working on projects related to accessibility, creative and knowledge industries as well as to the competitiveness of urban regions. In addition to the academic research, Mari Vaattovaara is a requested discussant in the public forums.

Juri Mykkänen acts as a Deputy Director of the Urbaria Institute. Mykkänen works as a senior university lecturer in political science. He has been a member of Urbaria’s steering board since 2018 and deputy director since May 2019. In terms of research foci, he is omnivorous, but specifically, he is interested in political institutions, political communication, social theory, research methods, and cultural analysis of the economy.

Liaison manager

Mikko Posti works as a Liaison Manager at the Urbaria Institute. He is in charge of coordinating the research network, Urbaria seminars and events, stakeholder management as well as planning and executing projects in communications and societal impact. 

You can contact Mikko on all issues related to urban studies! 

Contact details:


Phone: +358 50 471 6334  

Project coordinator

Jussi Jännes is coordinating a research project on social, ecological, and economical sustainability indicators in Finland that can be implemented and monitored at a neighborhood and city block level. The project will be based on several round table discussions between leading experts. The aim of this project is to guide urban development, development monitoring and future city planning diversely and practically towards a more sustainable direction.


You can contact Jussi in regard to the research project.

Contact details:


Phone: +358 505 994 744


Juulia Lehtinen is an intern at Urbaria. Her tasks include assisting in the planning and implementation of Urbaria's communication and assisting in the organisation of events and seminars. 

Contact details:


Phone: +358 505 248 839

Urbaria Steering Board

Urbaria Steering board advances urban research and societal interaction in the university of Helsinki and nationally. It supports Urbaria director in steering the institute. The board decides on the activities, finances and staffing of the institute as well as supervises the quality control, reporting, communications and other relevant activities of the institute.


Chair of the Board

Vice Rector Kai Nordlund

Faculty of Science

Dean Sasu Tarkoma (Vice Dean Samuli Siltanen)

Vice Dean Sami Moisio (Professor Tuuli Toivonen)

Fac­ulty of So­cial Sciences

Vice Dean Timo Kaartinen (Vice Dean Jari Eloranta)

Senior University Lecturer Juri Mykkänen (Assistant Professor Veikko Eranti)

Fac­ulty of Biological and Environ­mental Sciences

Vice Dean Atte Korhola (Professor Sirkku Juhola)

Professor Ian MacGregor Fors (University Lecturer Johan Kotze)

Fac­ulty of Arts

Vice Dean Mirkka Lappalainen (Vice Dean Tiina Airaksinen)

Professor Laura Kolbe (University Lecturer Terhi Ainiala)