Thinking of participating in the programmes of Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland? Come to discuss about your ideas!

HSSH is organizing discussion workshops to support research groups that wish to develop their ideas.

SRC (Strategic Research Council) opens three programmes in the coming weeks: (i) Demographic Changes – Causes, Consequences and Solutions; (ii) Environmental and Social Links to Biodiversity Loss; and (iii) Pandemics as a Challenge for Society. More detailed information is available on the Academy of Finland's website.

The Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities will organize two virtual workshops to all interested researchers and research groups to facilitate UH based applications to SRC calls focusing on themes (I) Demographic Changes – Causes, Consequences and Solutions, and (iii) Pandemics as a Challenge for Society.

The workshops aim at helping applicants in building strong consortiums, building new networks of cooperation, and tackling the specific demands of SRC-applications. One or two leaders of recent successful SRC applications will share their experiences on writing effective letters of intent for the first stage of the call. Participants can share ideas about possible specific research questions, data and methods – and hopefully find new links across disciplinary and faculty boundaries. The mission of HSSH is to strengthen multidisciplinary research cooperation at UH especially from the social sciences and humanities point of view.

The workshop are open to all scholars planning to take part in the forthcoming SRC-calls opening later in November, and who are willing to share and discuss their ideas with other possible applicants. HSSH can also bring in other partners and stakeholders that could be part of future consortia. If you have ideas or suggestions about whom should be invited, let us know! 

To take part in the workshops, please sign up through the open list of participants. We also encourage you to provide brief descriptions of your research interests related to the SRC theme and possible wishes for desired partners.

Theme workshop: Pandemics as a Challenge for Society

Theme workshop: Demographic Changes – Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Note also the webinar organized by the UH Research Funding Services: Strategic Research Council (SRC) Call 2021: Learning from Successful Applicants on Monday 30 November, at 2.30 - 4 pm. 

Questions? Please contact senior advisor in research services, Katri Huutoniemi ( or research coordinator, Pekka Mäkelä (