1) New Research Culture lecture series begins 9.11. - What to research, how to research, and how to better show the need for SSH research in society?
During the academic year, 2020–2021 HSSH organizes the New Research Culture lecture series that deals with the burning issues of the humanities and social sciences research as well as the possibilities of the future. The main theme of the lecture series is the promotion of new multidisciplinary research culture in the humanities and social sciences.
The first lecture will be held on Monday 9th of November at 1 p.m. and the keynote speaker will be by professor of media studies Kirsten Drotner.
In her video speech, Drotner challenges stereotypical notions of the humanities and social sciences: Three myths about SSH research – it´s individual, cheap and discipline-based with few partnerships.
Drotner works at the University of Southern Denmark and she is one of Europe’s leading experts in the SSH field. Among other positions of trust, she has chaired the Humanities Scientific Committee of Science Europe association since 2012.
After the keynote address, the discussion will continue with Sarah Green, professor of social and cultural anthropology (HY), Risto Saarinen, professor of systematic theology (HY), and Pia Letto-Vanamo, Dean at the Faculty of Law. The event lasts ca. 2 hours.
You can comment and send questions during the event via Presemo: https://presemo.helsinki.fi/hssh
Join the event from the link: https://tiedekulmamedia.helsinki.fi/fi/web/tiedekulma/player/webcast?playerId=38521893&eventId=70432744
See more information and schedule of future lectures for our website.
2) HSSH has started to develop the academic leadership and career planning course
The purpose of the academic leadership and career planning course is to develop strategic planning of research careers and themes for SSH researchers. Furthermore, the course provides tools for assembling a good research group, developing contemporary leadership and creating personal researcher profiles. As the course is now being offered for the first time, it is still in a pilot stage.
To make it as useful as possible, the course is being developed collaboratively with participants. HSSH wishes to determine what kind of tangible support researchers in the social sciences and humanities are looking for and how the institute can support them.
A total of more than 40 applications were received for the pilot course, and 12 postdoctoral researchers who have been granted research funding for roughly two years were selected. According to preliminary plans, the course will be organised again in autumn 2021.
Read more about the course from our website.
3) HSSH Brown Bag Lunch 3.11. - How children´s physical activity is linked to early numeracy skills?
The next HSSH Brown Bag lunch –meeting is on Tuesday 3.11. at 12.15. Our guest is Pirjo Aunio, professor in Special Education, who directs The Active Early Numeracy -project that explores the relationships between physical activity and mathematical and motor skills in preschool-aged children.
At the HSSH Brown Bag Lunch meeting, Aunio describes how her research group´s approach has been taking steps towards true multidisciplinary research.
The research project employs researchers in special education, psychology and physical education, as well as experts in laser and sensor technology thus professor Aunio has a vision of how professionals in different fields complement each other's skills.
The event is in English. BB lunches are open for everybody!
We hope multidisciplinary audience from different faculties and units of the central campus. You are warmly welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62294386517?pwd=TGhUZnRzSlNUVHFvYUhieG1yQzhj…
Meeting ID: 622 9438 6517
Passcode: 741924
See more details of the Brown Bag Lunch –meetings from our website.
4) The Executive Committee, Infrastructure Committee, and Research Committee have been appointed
The Institute has strengthened its operations during the autumn. The Rector has appointed the Executive Committee, and the Director of the Institute has appointed the Research Committee and the Research Infrastructure Committee.
The Executive Committee consists of the Deans of the founder faculties as well as the Directors of Individual institutes. Their responsibility is to define the broad lines of the Institute. The responsibilities of the committees are to support the Executive Committee and the Director, to plan and develop the operations, and to prepare and implement the decisions of the Institute. The Rector will appoint the members of the committees for a maximum of five years from the personnel of the founding faculties.
The work of the committees is guided by the institutes goal to develop an interdisciplinary research culture and an attractive research environment for the SSH field.
5) Join the HSSH Friends!
Anyone interested in the HSSH's activities can join the e-mail list that forms the so-called Friends of HSSH community. The e-mail list provides information on HSSH news and other current affairs, events, as well as research and research infrastructure related to the SSH field.
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