HSSH Visiting Professor Ruth Ayaß (Bielefeld University) in Helsinki in February-March

HSSH Visiting Professor Ruth Ayaß (Bielefeld University) will hold a guest lecture at the University of Helsinki on February 29th.


Professor Ruth Ayaß (Sociology, University of Bielefeld) will visit University of Helsinki on
February 24 - March 8, 2024. Ayaß is Professor of Socilogy at the University of Bielefeld. The
area of her chair is Qualitative Methods (see closer at https://www.uni-
bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/soziologie/fakultaet/personen/ayass/). In her own research, Ayaß uses
conversation analytic and ethnographic methods. Ayaß is a Visiting Professor at Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH).

On Thursday March 7, Professor Ayaß will lead a workshop for doctoral students and
researchers. In the workshop, the participants can present their own studies and manuscripts, or
bring their data for datasession. The workshop begins at 12, and can continue till 17; it is held at
Unioninkatu 35, room 344. If you are interested in taking part in the workshop, please send an e-
mail to Mariel Wuolio (mariel.wuolio@helsinki.fi), by February 22 the latest.

Professor Ayaß will also give a guest lecture, which will be on Thursday February 29, at 14-16, at
Unioninkatu 37, room 1066 ("tiedekuntasali"). The topic of the lecture will be “The everyday life
of planning – the planning of everyday life”.

Furher information: anssi.perakyla@helsinki.fi

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