HSSH Newsletter 12/​​​2021

Upcoming events and open positions.
  1. New Research Culture: Jan Werner Müller – Democracy Rules 14.12.
  2. Brown Bag Lunch: Martti Vainio – The Evol­u­tion of Hu­man Communication as a Co-Op­er­at­ive Tool 7.12.
  3. STS Helsinki Seminar Series 9.12.
  4. HSSH to Start Looking for Three Post Doc Researchers
  5. Reminder: HSSH Catalyst Grant DL 20.12; Funded Projects of the Last Round
  6. Interviewing New Program Directors of the Datafication Research Program

1) New Research Culture: Jan Werner Müller – Democracy Rules 14.12.

New Research Culture

14.12. 17.00–19.30


The final New Research Culture lecturer of the year is Jan-Werner Müller. He is a professor of politics at Princeton University, whose field of study is political theory. Based on his new book, Democracy Rules, Müller asks the question, how democracy’s critical infrastructure of intermediary institutions could be renovated, re-empowering citizens while also preserving a place for professionals such as journalists and judges.

After the keynote address by Müller, the discussion will continue with commentators, professor of political history Juhana Aunesluoma and associate professor Johanna Rainio-Niemi.

Read more on the event website!

2) Brown Bag Lunch: Martti Vainio – The Evol­u­tion of Hu­man Communication as a Co-Op­er­at­ive Tool 7.12.

Brown Bag Lunch

7.12. 12.15–13.30


The final Brown Bag Lunch of the year features Martti Vainio, who is the professor of phonetics and the head of department of the Department of Digital Humanities at the University of Helsinki.

Welcome to listen and discuss as Vainio presents the main events in the natural history of language and discuss how they relate to our speaking as modern humans.

Read more on the event website.


3) STS Helsinki Seminar Series: On Theory-Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies 9.12.

STS Helsinki Seminar

9.12. 14.15


The STS Helsinki Seminar Series is a seminar series by the STS Helsinki research collective. Our aim is to create a space for in-depth conversations about current research in Science and Technology Studies (STS). The topics cover a wide range of contemporary issues, such as climate change, the role of experts, medicine, genetics, gender, robotics or organic food. The seminars function as a platform for strengthening the STS community in Finland and bringing STS to new audiences. All scholars, students and audiences interested in the interaction between science, society and technology are welcome!

The seminar series returns on Thursday 9.12. at 14:15 with a talk by Antti Silvast (Technical University of Denmark DTU) & Mikko J. Virtanen (University of Helsinki). The event will be held on Zoom.

More info on the STS Helsinki website.

4) HSSH to Start Looking for Three Post Doc Researchers

On 10.12. HSSH Institute will start accepting applications for three post doc positions in the Datafication Research Program. More information will be published soon on the HSSH website and email lists.

5) Reminder: HSSH Catalyst Grant DL 20.12; Funded Projects of the Last Round

The Catalyst Grant provides modest but strategical support to existing and emerging research groups. Groups can apply support for a variety of needs, ideas and cooperative initiatives. The deadline for applications is on 20.12. Read more and apply here.

The projects that have been selected for funding during the last application round are listed below:

  1. Etnografisen aineiston elinkaari  -työpaja 14.–15.12.2021| Ahlholm Maria, Piippo Irina
  2. Crowdsourced Labelling for Climate Tweets| Chen Ted Hsuan Yun, Celiccanat Hande, Ylä-Anttila Tuomas
  3. Dual Eye-Tracking Laboratory for Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving and Dynamic Task Learning under Uncertainty| Cowley Benjamin, Södervik Ilona
  4. Leadership Pipeline and Quality in Higher Education (LPQHE-network)| Godenhjelm Sebastian
  5. LAW AND ART – comics in building working methods and communicating research in law and technology studies| Hakkarainen Jenni
  6. Eettisesti kestävää tekoälyä turvallisuustutkimusta hyödyntämällä: rahoitushakemus tutkimusyhteistyön käynnistämiseen| Hallamaa Jaana
  7. Eyes in the wild - mobile eye-tracking research of social interaction in natural situations| Hannula Markku
  8. Consortium: Social psychologically informed study of interreligious and interethnic relations from a temporal perspective (SPIRAL)| Jasinskaja-Lahti Inga, Jokiranta Jutta
  9. Worlding Feminisms (WoFem) Research Group| Jauhola Marjaana
  10. Participatory Visual Methods in Social Science Research (PAR-VISMETH)| Ahmed Kazimuddin
  11. Transnational health and well-being (TRANSHEALTH)| Kemppainen Laura
  12. Sharing data in the social sciences| Komp-Leukkunen, Kathrin
  13. Taidetapahtumien potentiaaliset yleisöt| Korsberg Hanna
  14. Psykofyysisten mittareiden laitehankintaan, jonka avulla tutkitaan opettajien ja oppilaiden hyvinvointia, palautumista ja luontaista vuorokausirytmiä.| Kortesoja Laura
  15. Varusmies-hanke: Lupaprosessit laajan rekisteriaineiston yhteiskäytössä| Lagus Krista
  16. 1500-luvun koneluettujen historian lähteiden ja nimistöntutkimuksen indeksien yhdistäminen portaalipilotiksi| Lahtinen Anu
  17. Suomalaisen kaksoskohorttitutkimuksen rekisterilinkkaus ja laajennetun perheaineiston muodostaminen| Latvala Antti
  18. Network for research on social interaction| Lindströn Jan
  19. Tell Ya’mun Regional Survey| Lahelma Antti, Lorenzon Marta
  20. CSD: Sosiologisen demokratiatutkimuksen keskus| Luhtakallio Eeva, Eranti Veikko
  21. Establishing an African Studies SSH network| Lüpke Friederike
  22. Evaluating tools for quote attribution and the extraction of analytical concepts from texts| Mäkelä Eetu
  23. Technology interaction and co-design laboratory| Nelimarkka Matti
  24. Data Services for Transnational Archaeology (DASTA)| Oksanen Eljas
  25. DEMLANG - Democratization, Mediatization and Language Practices| Palander-Collin Minna
  26. Gender, Society and Language Use: Evidence from Mexico and Spain| Posio Pekka
  27. Environmental Discourses of Border Barriers, (Non-)Human Migrants, and Hunting| Saikku Mikko
  28. 1958 kerätyn suomenkielisen ryhmäkeskusteluaineiston jalostaminen digitoinnin avulla| Sorjonen Marja-Leena
  29. Helsinki Computational History Group (COMHIS)| Tolonen Mikko

6) Interviewing New Program Directors of the Datafication Research Program

You can read more about the new program directors Eetu MäkeläEmilia Palonen and Katja Valaskivi in this article (in Finnish).

Join the HSSH Friends and re­ceive the news­let­ter to your email!

You will find the instructions for joining HSSH Friends here.