HSSH Events This week

HSSH is organizing many interesting events this week, read more & join us!

Ti 5.4. Brown Bag Seminar with Movie Making Finland Project

The Methodological Unit organizes a weekly Brown Bag Seminar to highlight novel methodological approaches in humanities and social sciences. The idea of the meetings is to introduce methodological innovations and cutting-edge research in various disciplines in an easily accessible manner and have an interdisciplinary discussion in an easy-going atmosphere over lunch. Bring your own lunch, we bring fresh methodological topics!

Tamás Grósz, Har­ri Kiis­ki­nen, Mik­ko Ku­ri­mo, Jor­ma Laak­so­nen ja Han­nu Sal­mi introduce the Movie Making Finland project, which concentrates on Finnish fiction films released in a movie theatre in Finland from 1907 onwards. The project is interested in the ways, through which cinema imagined and interpreted Finnish modernisation and its discontents. Methodologically, the project explores how speech recognition, image analysis and natural language processing can be combined in developing a toolbox for the study of historical change in audiovisual cultural heritage and how these findings can be incorporated into a film historical and cultural historical content analysis. The project applies, adapts, and further develops state-of-the-art methods for speech recognition and video content analysis.

The event is arranged together with the Aalto HELDIG DH Pizza Seminar.

More information and Zoom link.

Ke 6.4. New Research Culture with Alison Powell: JUST AI – New Dir­ec­tions in Data and AI Eth­ics Re­search

The New Research Culture lecture series deals with the burning issues of the humanities and social sciences research as well as the possibilities of the future. The main theme of the lecture series is the promotion of new multidisciplinary research culture in the humanities and social sciences.

JUST AI is a humanities-led practice-based research community that identifies existing and emerging issues within the AI ethics field to then intervene by including underrepresented perspectives. In this lecture, JUST AI’s Principal Investigator, Dr Alison Powell of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) describes the necessity, significance and impact of interdisciplinary and creative research into emerging ethical issues of technology.

More information and Zoom link.

Pe 8.4. Friday Coffee: Academy of Finland call for applications is coming – Friday Coffee sessions offer methodological consultation in April and May!

Are you a researcher or part of research group planning to participate in Academy of Finland call next fall? Do you need help with the planning and implementation of your application? The Methodological Unit of HSSH is offering methodological consultation with a low threshold in Friday Coffee sessions in April and May. Friday Coffee is happening every Friday on Zoom. You are warmly welcome without a prior notice, but in case you have some questions in mind, it is worthwhile to send them in advance.

You can find the form and the Zoom link on our event website.


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