Call for Papers for the 4th Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism and Polarization (HEPP4)

The fourth edition of our conference will be held on 11-13th of December 2023 at the University of Helsinki. The Call for Papers and Proposals is open until 2nd of May 2023.

In the recent years, HEPPsters have been engaging in themes of populist mobilisation in Central and Eastern Europe, particularly the relationship between time and space, and how this relationship informs the construction of ‘Us’. In the previous edition, HEPP3 paid special attention to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In 2023, this theme is expanded to reflect on the rise of ethno-nationalism. We are here also drawing on our Horizon2020 project on Deradicalisation in Europe and beyond, where the key thematic is social exclusion as the driver for violent radicalisation, emergence of grievance, alienation, and polarisation. We also want to investigate the emergence of religious populism, the formation of epistemic communities, and logics of datafied forms of communication that also deal with polarisation. We hope to incite theoretical and empirical discussions of these themes and more.

The Conference strives to assemble a wide range of international researchers at all career stages, with the aim of examining populism, particularly from a discursive and cultural approach. We welcome contributions from a wide range of fields. All submitted papers will be considered for our Working Papers series.


The fourth edition of the Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism, and Polarisation (HEPP4) will be held on 11-13th of December 2023 at the University of Helsinki. The Call for Papers and Proposals is open until 2nd of May 2023.

A special symposium day will be held at the University of Lapland on 14th of December 2023.

Please send in your paper submissions through this form by the 2nd May 2023. The submission must include your name and institution, a title, a 100-150 word abstract, and five keywords. Please send your panel proposals through this form by the 2nd of May 2023.

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