Brown Bag meetings took place on Tuesdays at 12–13 in the office of HSSH (Vuorikatu 5) and since the closure of the UH facilities due to the COVID-19 situation as online meetings.
During the seminar series, HSSH got to know people, practices, and ideas on developing UH research infrastructures in the defined areas, The invited researchers could also pass the invitation to their colleagues. WIth only about 15 seats, however, the room proved to be somehat small and HSSH wants to continue the popular Brown Bag seminar series in the Autumm term 2020 with a new set of themes and questions.
Schedule In Spring 2020
11 February 2020: Data support network
3 March: Vice Deans responsible for research in SSH units
10 March: Digital humanities
17 March: Social data science
31 March: Experimental social, behavioral, cognitive etc. research
7 April: Audio-visual research