Africa Early Career Mobility Programme researcher visiting HSSH in 2023-2024

University of Helsinki's Focus Africa program brings early career researchers to all campuses.

The selections for the second application round of Africa Early Career Mobility Programme have been made. The selected researchers promote the UN's Sustainable Development Goals with their collaborative projects. They study e.g. digital political participation in Africa, challenges and solutions related to antimicrobial resistance, and reducing poverty of smallholders through trade.

The mobility programme is a three-year pilot that brings together young talented African researchers with top-class researchers from the University of Helsinki. The program offers 3-10 month grants (€3400/month) for a visit to the University of Helsinki. The early career researchers must have a connection to a Principal Investigator (PI) working at the University of Helsinki, with whom cooperation is planned.

Dr. Samuel Olaniran from the University of Johannesburg, South Africa is visiting the City Centre Campus and HSSH, hosted by University Researcher Matti Pohjonen. The duration of the stay is 8 months.

Read more about the University's Africa program.

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