Welcome to a guest lecture held by HSSH Visiting Professor Mladen Popović on 3.5.!
Mladen Popović: New Technologies for Studying the Ancient World
9.00-10.00 at Faculty Room, Fabianinkatu 24, 5th floor.
The ERC project was set up to tackle two fundamental problems in the palaeography of the Dead Sea Scrolls: to identify the anonymous scribes and to date manuscripts based on their writing style, as none carries an internal date. These were not only problems of palaeography. Solving these problems has important implications for our ability to better understand the Dead Sea Scrolls as a collection, and also to better understand text production, consumption, and collection practices in ancient Judaea.
In this talk I will focus both on the actual research processes and results for writer identification and date-prediction as well as on the practice of directing interdisciplinary research and a multidisciplinary team, combining artificial intelligence, radiocarbon dating and humanities (history, palaeography, manuscript and text studies).
For more information contact host Jutta Jokiranta jutta.jokiranta@helsinki.