19.5. Workshop on Weights in ESS Data

HSSH organises a workshop on the use of weights in the European Social Survey.

The Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH) organises a workshop on the use of weights in the European Social Survey (ESS) in Zoom on Thursday 19 May 2022 at 14.15-15.45

If you are using or would like to use the European Social Survey and have questions related to how weights should be applied in the analyses, join us to discuss this with other researchers and with Teemu Kemppainen, a Senior Lecturer in Urban Geography at the University of Helsinki and an expert on ESS data.

Teemu will be presenting some example code in Stata, but questions related to other packages (SAS, R, SPSS) can also be discussed. The ESS data can be downloaded from https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/data/round-index.html. The session will be held in English.

Please register for the workshop by email to hssh-mu@helsinki.fi by Friday 13 May 2022. You can also send any questions beforehand with your registration.


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