University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Modern Languages & Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
When? 11.-15.5.2015
Why? To enhance multidisciplinary working culture in the field of digital humanities, bringing together people from different backgrounds.
How? Group work on four different data sets within five days peppered by different introductions to digital humanities and lightning talks. For description of data sets and outline of the schedule, click here.
Organizers: Mikko Tolonen, Eetu Mäkelä & Timo Honkela
Team leaders: Tanja Säily (English letters), Jukka Suomela (English letters), Tuula Pääkkönen (Finnish newspapers), Mats Fridlund (Technical journals), Petri Paju (Technical journals) & Tuomo Hiippala (Multimodal inflight magazines)
Storify by Tanja Säily: #DHH15 Twitter feed
Blogs by Anni Aarinen: Cross-disciplinarity fuels imagination and a more extensive one in Finnish.
Blogs by Jessica Parland von Essen (In Swedish): Digital humaniora i praktiken and (In Finnish).
Blog by Tuula Pääkkönen (In Finnish): DHH15 – Digitaalisten ihmistieteiden hackathon
Work undertaken by the groups (missing links will be updated asap, so visit later):
Blog: EnglishLetters
Research plan: EnglishLetters
Presentation of the work: EnglishLetters
Code (plots, shinyapp, AntConc results, docs, experiments, etc.): VARIENG GitHub
Blog: FinnishNewspapers
Research plan: FinnishNewspapers
Presentation of the work: FinnishNewspapers
Code (plots, word clouds, time series matrices, etc.): FinnishNewspapers GitHub
Blog: TechnicalJournals
Research plan: TechnicalJournals
Presentation of the work: TechnicalJournals
Code (plots, maps, exploration of Zipf’s law in the corpus, etc.): TechnicalJournals GitHub
Blog: Multimodality
Research plan: Multimodality
Presentation of the work: Multimodality
Code (utility first, tools for analyzing images & scraped texts, good-old hackish bash, etc.): Multimodality GitHub
Examples of Research in the Digital Humanities by Eetu Mäkelä: here
Hands-on method tutorial by Eetu Mäkelä: there
Guest speakers during the Hackathon: Jyrki Niemi (FINCLARIN), Susanna Ånas (WikiMaps), Joseph Flanagan (Reproducible research), Sakari Katajamäki (Digital Humanities in the Nordic countries group), Jessica Parland von Essen (Open Science and Research), Teemu Ropponen (Open Knowledge Finland), Ville Vaara et. al. (Kuka-palvelu)
Public presentation of works: DAY OF DIGITAL HUMANITIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, FRI 15.5.2015, Invited guest speakers: Jaakko Suominen (Digital Culture at University of Turku) & Caroline Bassett (Sussex Humanities Lab)
Some lessons to be learned from the hackathon: cultural change takes time, multidisciplinary work is hard but rewarding, digital humanities will not save the planet & the world and the digital cannot do without the humanities.