Our offices are in the 1st floor of Metsätalo, in the A wing.
Visiting address: Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki, Finland (Google Maps)
Postal address: P.O. Box 24, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
For staying tuned in real time with news and events around HELDIG, please join our open Facebook Group. This means that all members there are able to make posts there that are distributed automatically to other members, and the data is open to outsiders to read, too, and search engines to index.
Feel free to use the HELDIG Twitter feed @HelsinkiDH.
A central goal of HELDIG is to establish and support the collaborative Digital Humanities ecosystem in Finland. A vital component there is to foster cooperation and joint projects between humanists and social scientists (SSH) having important research problems and data, and computer scientists developing methodological means and tools for modelling, data analysis, and problem solving.
Are you looking for a collaborator in the Computer Science camp or vice versa in the SSH camp, and do not know who to contact? For such situations, HELDIG has established a new match-making service:
Send an email there specifying your need, and we will try to help you in finding potential partners within the HELDIG community. Your communications will be treated as confidential. You can also contact directly Eero Hyvönen or Jouni Tuominen.
For a wider visibility, a good option is to use the open HELDIG Facebook Group for such call for partnership announcements of potential general interest.
Are you struggling with technical issues related to you data and Digital Humanitities project? Help can perhaps be found by contacting the HELDIG Data Clinic.
You can get automatically information about HELDIG activities by joining the heldig-info email list. The list can be used by all members on the list for distributing information.
Just send mail to <Majordomo@helsinki.fi> with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe heldig-info
If you want to unsubscribe later on, send message:
unsubscribe heldig-info
If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself) send email to <owner-heldig-info@helsinki.fi>.
For further information about HELDIG, please contact director Eero Hyvönen, researcher Jouni Tuominen, or other people active in HELDIG Network.
You can also contact HELDIG using the general e-mail address heldig-contact@helsinki.fi.