Digital Humanities teaching in spring 2020

The Department of Digital Humanities offers a 30-credit study block in digital humanities. The module is open to all MA level students and you can fit DH studies into any MA degree at the University of Helsinki.

Why would a humanist study computational methods? It has been reported that the humanist with digital skills is given a welcome reception in the job market, so maybe it is not that crazy idea. Additionally, research that incorporates digital humanities elements has an ever increasing prospect and impact. The digital humanities module does not require any previous programming skills, although we offer a separate track for students with more advanced computational experience. The course listings have been updated for the spring 2020. Welcome to explore Digital Humanities!

See the theory and method courses that can be included in the digital humanities study block:…

and register in Weboodi.

The module in the academic year 2019-2020 climaxes in the intensive Hackathon period on May 27th – June 5th. More information will be published on a later date.…