Contact us

HiDATA builds on the existing, strong research in various areas of data science, and aims to provide novel synergies across disciplines.

Jukka K. Nurminen is a professor of computer science at the University of Helsinki. He has worked extensively on software research in the telecom industry at Nokia Research Center, in academia at Aalto University, and in applied research at VTT. His key research contributions are on energy-efficient software, mobile peer-to-peer networking, and cloud solutions but his experience ranges widely from applied optimization to AI, from network planning tools to mobile apps, and from software project management to tens of patented inventions. He has e.g. led the Green Big Data project with CERN and many research activities on mobile phone and cloud energy consumption. Currently, his main interests are in the engineering of machine learning systems, combining data science and high performance computing, and software development for quantum computers.

Director of HiDATA Jukka K. Nurminen

University of Helsinki

Tel +358294151155, +358504836442


Patrik Floréen, PhD, is Senior University Lecturer in Computer Science at University of Helsinki. His research interests are in intelligent information retrieval and context-aware computing. He is Vice-Director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Vice-Director of Helsinki Centre for Data Science HiDATA, and member of the management team of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI. He has previously been a director at the Academy of Finland (1995-97) and a Scientific Officer at the European Commission in Brussels (1997-2001).

Vice-Director of HiDATA Patrik Floréen

University of Helsinki

Tel  +358294151183, +358504480200

Keijo Heljanko is a Professor of Parallel and Distributed Data Science at University of Helsinki and Vice-Director of Helsinki Centre for Data Science (HiDATA),  a world-class hub of Data Science in Helsinki. His research topics include Big Data, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Distributed Systems, and Verification Methods for Parallel Software.

Vice-Director of HiDATA Keijo Heljanko

University of Helsinki

Tel +358294151354, +358505560400

Coordinator Melanie Balaz:

HiDATA is a multidisciplinary network of academics. Research is organized as research groups and research infrastructures within research programs and operative units, and HiDATA can have affiliated research groups from other universities and organizations.

  • Minna Huotilainen (Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU))
  • Eero Hyvönen (HELDIG/ Aalto University)
  • Petri Ihantola (Department of Education)
  • Riikka Koulu (Legal Tech Lab / Law)
  • Jaakko Kurhila (Helsinki University Chief Digitalisation Officer)
  • Krista Lagus (Centre for Social Data Science)
  • Pekka Lehtovuori (CSC)
  • Ville Mustonen (Viikki & Kumpula)
  • Minna Palmroth (Department of Physics)
  • Mika Pantzar  (Consumer Society Research Centre)
  • Jari Saramäki (Aalto University)
  • Tuuli Toivonen (HELSUS)
  • Mikko Tolonen (HELDIG)

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