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Welcome to learn about Finnish school system and teacher education at the University of Helsinki's teacher training schools.

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is divided into two departments: the Department of Education and the Training Schools.

Training Schools Helsinki Normal Lyceum and Viikki Teacher Training School function as independent units of the University of Helsinki.

At secondary level they comprise ca 1000 students, 130 teachers and 340 student teachers. Viikki Teacher Training School also has elementary level with ca 400 pupils, 19 class teachers and 6-8 subject teachers, and 150 student teachers.

Apart from providing primary and secondary education, Helsinki Normal Lyceum and Viikki Teacher Training School educate approximately 500 student teachers each year. Thus, all the teachers, employed by the university of Helsinki, work both as teachers for pupils and mentoring teachers for student teachers. Most of them also carry out research, participate in experimental teaching and curriculum development and/or write teaching materials. Research and experimental teaching are an essential part of the strategies of these schools.
