Course selection in mathematics and statistics

This page contains courses in mathematics and statistics that are taught during the current or upcoming academic year. NB! The contents of this page are being updated and it is based on preliminary information.
General instructions

Fall courses are published in Sisu and on the courses page at the end of June, and spring courses are published at the end of September. Check the latest information in Sisu.

In addition to the course lists below, you can search for courses on:

This page does not contain all mandatory courses required for graduation. For instance courses in communication, languages, digital skills, academic skills and professional skills are missing.

The course names are listed in the language of instruction. Note that you may be able to complete the course in a different language than the language of instruction. See this page for more information on language and studies.


Please note that you can also take exams in courses not found on Sisu by discussing with the responsible teacher beforehand.

Below you can find a listing of all courses lectured in the last two years for which you may negotiate an exam with the teacher.

The list of possible exams

Course offering

Basic studies in mathematics

Intermediate studies in mathematics

Courses offered by the Bachelor's Programme in Science

These courses are often equivalent to some course offered by MAT, however they are often taught at different times. The contents of the courses are not necessarily completely identical with the equivalent MAT-course. The language of instruction is English. 

  • BSMA1001 Linear algebra and complex numbers 5 op (equivalent to MAT11002)
  • BSMA1002 Calculus IA: Limits and differentiation 5 op (equivalent to MAT11006)
  • BSMA2002 Introduction to vector analysis 5 op (no equivalency)

Basic studies in mathematics

Intermediate studies in mathematics

Courses offered by the Bachelor's Programme in Science

These courses are often equivalent to some course offered by MAT, however they are often taught at different times. The contents of the courses are not necessarily completely identical with the equivalent MAT-course. The language of instruction is English. 

  • BSMA1003 Calculus IB: Integration 5 op (equivalent to MAT11007)
  • BSMA1004 Advanced Calculus 5 op (equivalent to MAT11008)
  • BSMA2001 Linear algebra and matrices II 5 op (equivalent to MAT21001)
  • BSMA2007 Differential Equations 5 op (equivalent to MAT21012)
  • BSMA1006 Probability Calculus I 5 op (equivalent to MAT12003)
  • BSMA2003 Measure and integration 5 op (equivalent to MAT21007)

Basic studies in mathematics

  • MAT11002 Lineaarialgebra ja matriisilaskenta I 5 op

Intermediate studies in mathematics

  • MAT21001 Lineaarialgebra ja matriisilaskenta II 5 op
  • MAT12003 Todennäköisyyslaskenta I 5 op

Basic studies in statistics

  • MAT12001 Tilastotiede ja R tutuksi I 5 op
  • MAT12002 Tilastotiede ja R tutuksi II 5 op

Intermediate studies in statistics

  • MAT22018 Tilastotieteen seminaari 2 op
  • MAT22009 Lineaariset mallit II 5 op
  • MAT22001 Todennäköisyyslaskenta IIa 5 op
  • MAT22002 Todennäköisyyslaskenta IIb 5 op
  • MAT22013 Tilastollinen päättely IIa 5 op
  • MAT22015 Stokastiset prosessit 5 op
  • MAT22006 Yleistetyt lineaariset mallit 5 op
  • MAT22010 Tilastotieteen juuret 5 op
  • MAT22012 Tilastotieteen työkenttä 5 op
  • LSI35002 Bayesian Data Analysis 5 op (equivalent to MAT22005)


Basic studies in statistics

  • MAT12003 Todennäköisyyslaskenta I 5 op
  • MAT12004 Tilastollinen päättely I 5 op
  • MAT12001 Tilastotiede ja R tutuksi I 5 op

Intermediate studies in statistics

Courses offered by the Bachelor's Programme in Science

These courses are often equivalent to some course offered by MAT, however they are often taught at different times. The contents of the courses are not necessarily completely identical with the equivalent MAT-course. The language of instruction is English. 

  • BSMA1006 Probability Calculus I 5 op (equivalent to MAT12003)

Basic studies in statistics

  • MAT12003 Todennäköisyyslaskenta I 5 op
  • MAT12001 Tilastotiede ja R tutuksi I 5 op
  • MAT12002 Tilastotiede ja R tutuksi II 5 op
  • MAT12005 Data-analyysin projekti 5 op

The courses in this list have been sorted under related specializations. Please note that students in one specialization can study courses that are listed under other specializations!

  • MAST30157 Case Studies in Mathematics and Statistics 5 op
  • MAST30011 Master's studies seminar I 2 op
  • MAST30012 Master's studies seminar II 3 op


Mathematical Logic

Geometry, Algebra and Topology

Mathematical Physics and Probability

Inverse Problems and Imaging

  • MAST31401 Inverse Problems 1: convolution and deconvolution 5 op
  • MAST31406 Inverse Problems 2: tomography and regularization 5 op
  • MAST31405 Inverse problems project work 5 op

Mathematical Biology

  • LSI33006 Introduction to mathematical biology I 5 op
  • LSI33007 Introduction to mathematical biology II 5 op
  • LSI33002 Evolution and the theory of games I 5 op
  • LSI33008 Evolution and the theory of games II 5 op

Insurance and Financial Mathematics

  • MAST30155 Case studies in insurance mathematics 5 op
  • MAST31910 Financial Economics 10 op

Advanced studies in mathematics can also include advanced statistics courses (see the list Statistics, advanced courses) and courses from Master's Programme in Data Science and Master's Programme in Computer Science.

The courses in this list have been sorted under related specializations. Please note that students in one specialization can study courses that are listed under other specializations!


  • MAST30146 Computational methods I 5 op
  • MAST30172 Partial differential equations I 5 op
  • MAST30173 Partial differential equations II 5 op
  • MAST31036 Convex analysis and optimization I 5 op
  • MAST31041 Convex analysis and optimization II 5 op
  • MAST30143 Introduction to complex analysis 5 op
  • MAST31007 Complex analysis II 10 op

Mathematical Logic

Geometry, Algebra and Topology

  • MAST31023 Introduction to algebraic topology 10 op

Mathematical Physics and Probability

  • MAST30130 Introduction to mathematical physics A 5 op
  • MAST31704 Topics in probability I 5 op

Inverse Problems and Imaging

Mathematical Biology

  • MAST31503 Spatial models in ecology and evolution 10 op
  • MAST30166 Stochastic population models I 5 op
  • MAST30167 Stochastic population models II 5 op

Insurance and Financial Mathematics

  • MAST30154 Career seminar in insurance mathematics 5 op
  • MAST31911 Life insurance mathematics I 5 op
  • MAST31912 Life insurance mathematics II 5 op
  • MAST31908 Quantitative finance 5 op
  • MAST30142 Stochastic Methods of Energy Markets 5 op

Advanced studies in mathematics can also include advanced statistics courses (see the list Statistics, advanced courses) and courses from Master's Programme in Data Science and Master's Programme in Computer Science.

  • MAST30157 Case Studies in Mathematics and Statistics 5 op
  • MAST30011 Master's studies seminar I 2 op
  • MAST30012 Master's studies seminar II 3 op


  • MAST30145 Communicating with statistics 5 op (taught in the intensive period)
  • MAST32001 Computational statistics 5 op
  • MAST30133 Multivariate analysis 5 op
  • MAST32007 Time series analysis I 5 op
  • MAST32015 History of statistics 5 op
  • MAST33004 Robust regression 5 op
  • MAST30121 Causal Inference: foundations, assumptions and applications 5 op
  • MAST32017 Nonparametric Inference 5 op
  • LSI34001 Topics in Biostatistics 5 op


  • MAST31402 Bayesian inversion 5 op
  • MAST32008 Time series analysis II 5 op
  • MAST32015 History of statistics 5 op
  • MAST32016 Statistical methods to handle missing data 5 op
  • MAST32004 Advanced Bayesian Inference 5 op
  • MAST30161 Analysis of correlated data 5 op
  • MAST30210 Design and analysis of experiments and surveys 5 op
  • LSI34008 Experimental and monitoring design in ecology 5 op
  • LSI34005 Statistical epidemiology 5 op
  • LSI34002 Genome-wide association studies 5op
  • MFK-M396 Johdatus maisterintutkielmaan 2 op
  • MFK-407 Johdatus matematiikan, fysiikan ja kemian opetukseen 2 op
  • MFK-408 Tiedelukutaidon perusteet 2 op
  • MFK-M101 Lukiomatematiikan kertaus ja vahvistus 5 op
  • MFK-M101A Lukiomatematiikan kertaus 2 op
  • MFK-M204 Matematiikkaa kaikkialla 5 op
  • MFK-M204A Matematiikkaa kaikkialla, osa 1 1 op
  • MFK-M204B Matematiikkaa kaikkialla, osa 2 2 op
  • MFK-M204C Matematiikkaa kaikkialla, osa 3 2 op
  • MFK-M205 Matemaattinen ongelmanratkaisu 5 op
  • MFK-M205A Matemaattinen ongelmanratkaisu: tutustumiskurssi 2 op
  • MFK-M209 Symbolinen laskenta 2 op
  • MFK-M303 Yliopistomatematiikka aineenopettajan näkökulmasta 5 op
  • MFK-M310 Johdatus lukuteoriaan ja sen sovelluksiin 5 op
  • MFK-M210 Matemaattinen ongelmanratkaisu opettajille (kaksikielinen) 5 op
  • MFK-M210 Matematisk problemlösning för lärare (tvåspråkig) 5 op
  • MFK-404 Matematiikka ja luonnontieteet yhteiskunnassa 5 op
  • MFK-407 Johdatus matematiikan, fysiikan ja kemian opetukseen 2 op (continues from the Fall)
  • MFK-408 Tiedelukutaidon perusteet 2 op
  • MFK-500 How to make a science video? 5 op
  • MFK-M101 Lukiomatematiikan kertaus ja vahvistus 5 op
  • MFK-M101A Lukiomatematiikan kertaus 2 op
  • MFK-M204 Matematiikkaa kaikkialla 5 op
  • MFK-M204A Matematiikkaa kaikkialla, osa 1 1 op
  • MFK-M204B Matematiikkaa kaikkialla, osa 2 2 op
  • MFK-M204C Matematiikkaa kaikkialla, osa 3 2 op
  • MFK-M205 Matemaattinen ongelmanratkaisu 5 op
  • MFK-M205A Matemaattinen ongelmanratkaisu: tutustumiskurssi 2 op
  • MFK-M206 Matemaattisen analyysin työkaluja opettajalle 5 op
  • MFK-M207 Koulumatematiikka 5 op
  • MFK-M208 Dynaaminen geometria 2 op
  • MFK-M301 Geometria I 5 op
  • MFK-M302 Geometria II 5 op