Academic portfolio

The aca­demic port­fo­lio to be at­tached to ap­plic­a­tions re­lated to teach­ing and research po­s­i­tions

An individual academic portfolio should be prepared specifically for the position being sought. The Faculty requests that its length (excluding the list of publications, see 6. List of publications) does not exceed ten (10) pages.

Please submit your academic porftolio in English. The portfolios are distributed to many parties (such as academic assessors and Department Council members) and so should not contain any confidential information, e.g., identity numbers, information about hobbies, etc. The portfolio is a brief, concise report of an applicant's documentable qualifications for a position.

Reference to periods should include only the month and year, not specific dates. Past employment should not be reported with elaborate detail. Employment periods of less than a year may be combined under a single title, such as “Acting Professor (8 months in total), 2002–04”.

If requested by the Faculty, information in the portfolio must be documented in the manner specified.

Portfolio structure and headings


1. Basic information

  • Name, present employer, position title, start date
  • Degrees, diplomas and the equivalent 
  • Previous employment

2. Research qualifications

  • Positions of scientific expertise
  • Experience leading a research group
  • Scope and management of external research funding and projects
  • Cooperation with national and international research groups
  • Other international activities
  • Experience of practical application of research findings (e.g. industrial collaboration, patents, innovation notices) 
  • Honours and awards by scientific societies
  • Research statement
    • Research vision
    • Outline of research plan at University of Helsinki

3. Qualifications in doctoral training

  • Coordination of doctoral training or other participation in doctoral programmes
  • Number of dissertations supervised to completion
  • Number of current PhD students
  • Experience as an external evaluator/committee member/opponent for dissertations
  • Postgraduate supervision and teaching methods

4. Teaching qualifications

  • Teaching experience (Report of the scope and nature of teaching duties at a university, other higher education institution or institute) 
  • Supervision and examination of Master's and Bachelor´s theses
  • Pedagogical training (Courses in university pedagogy; studies in education required of teachers; improvement of expertise in other ways, such as through networks) 
  • Ability to produce teaching materials (Report of contributions to the production of teaching materials) 
  • Other teaching merits (report of the achievement of objectives set for teaching and of teaching methods used and their success, feedback on the applicant’s own teaching, description of participation in educational development groups and other activities related to academic affairs, teaching philosophy, teaching‐related reports and research, awards, grants and other recognition)
  • Outline plan for developing teaching in your respective academic field

5. Other qualifications and merits

  • Socially significant elected positions or expert assignments based on academic or pedagogical merit
  • Significant elected positions based on academic and pedagogical qualifications, membership in working groups and committees, and other university‐level administrative duties.

6. List of publications (not included in the 10 page maximum length of the academic portfolio)