Faculty of Educational Sciences

The internationally esteemed and highly successful Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki is Finland’s leading unit of research and teaching in Educational Sciences and Teacher Education.

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is led by the dean. The dean selects vice-deans to support him or her in the development of the Faculty, the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the University and the promotion of interdepartmental cooperation as determined by the dean.

There are two departments: Department of Education, that is responsible for faculty's research and teaching, and Training schools, that is responsible for the two training schools of the university. 

The Faculty in numbers

The faculty is led by the dean. The dean is a professor elected by the faculty council whose task is to supervise and manage the operations of the faculty. The dean decides and deals with faculty issues unless otherwise provided in an act, decree or university Regulations.

The dean selects vice-deans to support him or her in the development of the faculty, the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the University and the promotion of interdepartmental cooperation as determined by the dean. During the operating period 2018–2021, the faculty has three vice-deans, whose primary responsibility areas encompassed research, teaching and societal interaction.

The power of decision in the faculty is vested in an 18-member faculty council which includes representatives of all staff groups and students. The Dean acts as the Chair of the Faculty Council. 

Dean Johanna Mäkelä

Professor Johanna Mäkelä is the dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Email: johanna.m.makela@helsinki.fi

Vice-Dean Anu Laine

University lecturer, Title of Docent Anu Laine is the vice-dean in charge of academic affairs.

Email: anu.laine@helsinki.fi

Vice-Dean Auli Toom

Professor Auli Toom is the vice-dean in charge of research.

Email: auli.toom@helsinki.fi

Vice-Dean Markku Jahnukainen

Professor Markku Jahnukainen is in charge of the societal interaction of the faculty.

Email: markku.jahnukainen@helsinki.fi

Vice-Dean Arto Kallioniemi

Professor Arto Kallioniemi is in charge of the international affairs.

Email: arto.j.kallioniemi@helsinki.fi

The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body. Under the direction of the dean, the Faculty Council enhances the overall operations of the Faculty in accordance with the University’s operational and financial targets, the Strategic Plan of the University and the Faculty’s target programme.

The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Educational Sciences includes the dean and 18 members and their deputies. The term of the Faculty Council is four years; however, the student representatives are selected for a term of two years. The Faculty Council has appointed various committees to prepare matters for decision-making.

Head of the Department of Education is Professor Minna Autio.

Read more about the Department.

The second department of the faculty, the Training schools, consists of the two training schools: 

Leading Principal of the training schools is Docent, PhD Tapio Lahtero.

Centre for University Teaching and Learning

The Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) investigates learning and teaching across all faculties and disciplines at the University of Helsinki. Based on the high-quality research, the Centre supports degree programmes and faculties in the development of learning and teaching, and enhances pedagogical expertise among university staff members. The Centre collaborates extensively with national and international experts in research and development of teaching and learning in higher education.

Director of HYPE is professor Auli Toom.

Centre for Educational Assessment CEA

The Centre for Educational Assessment CEA in the University of Helsinki has been studying Finnish education and learning to learn skills since 1996. Our research is focused on learning, studying, assessment, and educational systems and their development. CEA works in close collaboration with other research groups at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Director of CEA is professor Risto Hotulainen.


  • The Teacher Education Forum develops teacher education in Finland in broad cooperation with higher education institutions and stakeholders. 
  • The Helsinki Education Hub (HEH) is an innovation and competence centre utilizing educational research and supporting EdTech solutions.
  • The Innokas Network guides schools towards creativity and innovation through technology.
  • The CICERO Learning is a network for distinguished researchers and research groups on learning, brain and technology. The researchers of the network are based in different universities and research institutes in Finland. The network builds co-operation with research groups and units around the world.